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Claudiu Ceia edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 3 revisions

Installation notes

This application uses Wordpress as a CMS.

Project was set up using Trellis: Documentation of Trellis is pretty straight-forward. If you have questions open an issue and label it question please.

Getting started


  • This guide assumes you are using a unix-like based OS and you install the project in a folder called
  • Some parts described below can be automated via Vagrant provisioning (post-up)
  • The development environment is configured to show notices. WordPress core being what it is, you might see some E_NOTICE messages pop up in the admin panel - this is expected sigh
  • Some things are subject to change as the project progresses, if you spot any inconsistencies please either open an issue labeled question, either send a pull request


Setup for backend dev

$> git clone
$> cd
$> cp sample.vault.yml vault.yml
$> vim vault.yml # feel free to change the default admin password
$> cd ../../../../ # go back to the trellis directory
$> vagrant up

Now you should be able to access the dev environment in the browser at You'll be welcomed by a default Wordpress installation, so we need to config the environment.


Open Use the admin password you just set in vault.yml to login, with the username admin.

Once logged in, it's time to config a few things in the admin panel:

  • Go to Appearance->Themes and enable fiipregă, our custom theme
  • Go to Custom Fields->Tools, and upload using the Import Field Groups panel.
  • The navigation is not enabled by default. To add the main navigation go to Appearance->Customize->Menus->Main Navigation and create the menu. Make sure you check the Main Navigation menu location here. Publish when you're done.
  • Lastly, it's time to import some scaffolding data. Navigate to Tools->Import and select Run Importer for the WordPress option (last one). Now import

A note on imports

Unless you're debugging - always import the most recent timestamps.

Known issues

  • The Export/Import flow for the data scaffolding is less than ideal since it doesn't take into account the media library so the guides and campaigns are broken and will not display properly. See issue #46
  • The import flow will throw a lot of E_NOTICEs sigh
  • Some of the steps described here could probably be automated: issue #48

Setup for frontend dev


You will need Node.js >= 4.5.0 and the latest version of npm. Additionally, you will need gulp and bower.


$> cd
$> npm install
$> bower install
$> gulp watch // to compile assets and live reload on changes

A note on credentials

Please note {development,production,staging}/vault.yml are added to .gitignore.

To add your credentials simply copy the sample.vault.yml to vault.yml and change your credentials accordingly.

Please change the sample.vault.yml files if you make changes to vault configurations.

Working on search?

We use Algolia for search. If you're not actively working on search, there's no need for you to read further. If you are:

  • You need to create an account on Algolia. They offer a free plan, that should be more than enough for development purposes.
  • Go to Algolia->Settings: Add the API keys from your Algolia app dashboard.
  • Go to Algolia->Autocomplete: Check Enable autocomplete, then check Ghiduri and Campanii and hit Save changes. Make sure you re-index both Ghiduri and Campanii.
  • Go to Algolia->Search Page: Check Use Algolia with Instantsearch.js. Save changes and hit Re-index search page records.

Now that you're set, here's the code:

  • sage/algolia/ contains the templates for the autocomplete dropdown (autocomplete.php) and the search results page (instantsearch.php)
  • sage/lib/Algolia/ contains the code used for indexing our custom post types

There are also settings in the Algolia dashboard that you can set, but they are mostly for determining which results are more relevant. You will probably have to go to each index, the display tab, and add preview_text to the Attributes to snippet property. This is the text we display below each search result.


Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (57)


More documentation

Frontend work: Backend work: