CiviDiscount now allows you to specify your own criteria for who should get automatic discounts. This is a powerful feature but does require some technical skill and thorough testing is recommended. Use the api explorer (on your site at the url civicrm/api/explorer) to help you discover the api options you could pass.
You need to specify an API Entity that you want to query and a query string. If you specify contact then the logged in contact id will be passed in as 'id'. For all other api it will be passed in as 'contact_id'
In this image you can see that contacts with a value of 1 in custom id field 65 (which happens to be 'are you retired' in this case) will get an automatic discount if they meet other criteria above - ie a minimum age of 65)
Enhance UI with an "apply discount" button that updates displayed prices on any forms
- basically you want to emulate having the discount code sent in via the URL and let the person know if discount code is bogus
- it would be nice to do this with ajax but isn't worth much effort.
Create some user documentation
- Two types of discounts: automatic membership and code-based.
- Supports discounted memberships, events, pricesets
- Describe automatic member discounts (use random code never given to public)
- Show tracking interface
- Give some control over the placement of the discount code text field on the form.
- Fix/check cividiscount_civicrm_buildAmount() for both online and offline forms/cases (event registration):
- check multi-participant case well (currently this needs to be enabled in code)
- Fix/check cividiscount_civicrm_buildForm() for both online, offline and renewal forms/cases (memberships):
- check multi-step form case well
- Check all transaction amounts match amount displayed on forms.
- Fix or remove CDM_BAO_Item::copy(). Currently it's just a copy of CDM_BAO_Item::delete().
- Adapt for 4.2 priceset structure.
- Create menu link for CiviDiscount extension under Administer
- Fix cividiscount_civicrm_pre():
- When a contact is deleted, we should also delete their tracking info/usage.
- When removing participant (and additional) from events, also delete their tracking info/usage.
- When deleting membership record, also delete their tracking info/usage
- Fix/check cividiscount_civicrm_postProcess() tracking for all forms/cases:
- check we have correct participantID, membershipID, contributionID when it's needed for tracking
- check generic generic contribution cases well (discount is not available for this)
- Fix/check discount tracking tabs.
- Generally clean up the code and logic.
- Carefully review discount verification and applicability:
- fix _get_discounted_event_ids(), _get_discounted_priceset_ids(), _get_discounted_membership_ids() to return events/pricesets/memberships only for active code
- Enhance UI to show which discount code has been applied.
- Fix membership discounts not working from civicrm/contact/view [Submit Credit Card Membership] - CRM-11028.