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Fluentd plugin to read data from files and to remove or move after processing.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-cat-sweep'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-cat-sweep

Basic Behavior

Assume that an application outputs logs into /tmp/test directory as

├── accesss.log.201509151611
├── accesss.log.201509151612
└── accesss.log.201509151613

in every one minute interval.

This plugin watches the directory (file_path_with_glob tmp/test/access.log.*), and reads the contents and sweep (deafault: remove) for files whose mtime are passed in 60 seconds (can be configured with waiting_seconds).

Our assumption is that this mechanism should provide more durability than in_tail (batch read overcomes than streaming read).

Potential problem of in_tail

Assume that an application outputs logs into /tmp/test/access.log and rotates it in every one minute interval as

(initial state)

└── accesss.log (i-node 4478316)

(one minute later)

├── accesss.log (i-node 4478319)
└── accesss.log.1 (i-node 4478316)

(two minutes later)

├── accesss.log (i-node 4478322)
├── accesss.log.1 (i-node 4478319)
└── accesss.log.2 (i-node 4478316)

Your configuration of in_tail may become as followings:

  @type tail
  path tmp/test/access.log
  pos_file /var/log/td-agent/access.log.pos
  tag access
  format none

Now, imagine that the fluentd process dies (or manually stops for maintenance) just before the 2nd file of i-node 4478319 is generated, and you restart the fluentd process after two minutes passed. Then, you miss the 2nd file of i-node 4478319.

(initial state)

└── accesss.log (i-node 4478316) <= catch

(fluentd dies)

(one minute later)

├── accesss.log (i-node 4478319) <= miss
└── accesss.log.1 (i-node 4478316)

(two minutes later)

(fluentd restarts)

├── accesss.log (i-node 4478322) <= catch
├── accesss.log.1 (i-node 4478319) <= miss
└── accesss.log.2 (i-node 4478316)


  @type cat_sweep

  # Required. process files that match this pattern using glob.
  file_path_with_glob /tmp/test/file_*

  # Parser Plugin Setting
  # You can use the old style instead. (Not recommended)
  # ===
  # format tsv
  # keys xpath,access_time,label,payload
  # ===
    @type tsv
    keys xpath,access_time,label,payload

  # Required. process files that are older than this parameter(seconds).
  # [WARNING!!]: this plugin moves or removes files even if the files are still open.
  # make sure to set this parameter for seconds that the application closes files definitely.
  waiting_seconds 60

  # Optional. default is file.cat_sweep
  tag test.input

  # Optional. processing files are renamed with this suffix. default is .processing
  processing_file_suffix .processing

  # Optional. error files are renamed with this suffix. default is .error
  error_file_suffix .err

  # Optional. line terminater. default is "\n"
  line_terminated_by ,

  # Optional. max bytes oneline can have. default 536870912 (512MB)
  oneline_max_bytes 128000

  # Optional. processed files are moved to this directory.
  # default '/tmp'
  move_to /tmp/test_processed

  # Optional. if this parameter is specified, `move_to` option is ignored.
  # processed files are removed instead of being moved to `move_to` directory.
  # default is false.
  remove_after_processing true

  # Optional. default 5 seconds.
  run_interval 10

  # Optional. Emit entire file contents as an event, default emits each line as an event.
  # This assures that fluentd emits the entire file contents together. Please note that buffer_chunk_limit
  # must be larger than bytes in a file to be sent by buffered output plugins such as out_forward, out_s3.
  file_event_stream false

  # Optional. When doing flock files, open these files with "r+" mode if this option is true, nor with "r" mode.
  # default is false.
  flock_with_rw_mode false



  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


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