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Knowledge Management Server

Build & Test OpenAPI Artifact Hub


To start the server, client and database with a single admin user, run the quickstart docker compose file. See Jasper App for an installable electron wrapper.

Knowledge Management

Jasper is an open source knowledge management (KM) system. A KM system is similar to a Content Management System (CMS), but it does not store any content. Instead, a KM stores links to content. This means that adding a KM to your internal tools is quick and easy. It will create an overlay database, which is a small and fast index of all your content sources. Extend functionality with custom plugins, or embed existing dashboard panels directly to create your central business intelligence dashboard.

See Jasper-UI for documentation on the reference client.

Centralized Business Intelligence

Dumping all department-level data into a central data lake to perform analytics on is a massive undertaking with dubious potential benefit. Instead, empower departments to run their own analytics and formalize the reporting format to allow centralized aggregation.

Build a Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard without building a data lake. Business departments can use both a push or pull model to publish their analytics, reports, results, KPIs, graphs, metrics or alerts. Jasper standardises the transport, storage, searching, indexing, and retrieval of data while allowing you to use your existing data structures and formats. Stitch together department-level resources to create a central overview that explicitly describes dependencies.


Jasper uses Tag Based Access Control (TBAC) to assign fine grained access controls to any object in the system. This system is simple and powerful, such that the entire security specification is contained in a small, readable file.

Build your own client

Connect to Jasper with a custom client to give users a streamlined user experience (UX). Frontend developers can create a bespoke interface without needing to make any server side changes. Create custom plugins and templates and ensure data integrity with JTD schemas. Fork the reference client or use the OpenApi docs to generate API stubs.


Jasper is a standard data model and API. While JSON is used in this document, Jasper may be generalised to other presentations, such as XML, YAML, or TOML. Jasper defines five entity types, an access control model, and a plugin/templating system for extending the model.

  1. Ref
  2. Ext
  3. User
  4. Plugin
  5. Template

The main entity is the Ref, it represents a reference to an external resource. The main field in a Ref is the URL field which can be a link to a web page, or a reference to any arbitrary resources predicated by the URL scheme. Web content will of course use the http or https scheme. To reference a book, one could use the ISBN scheme (i.e. isbn:978-3-16-148410-0). For comments, Jasper-UI uses a comment scheme followed by an arbitrary ID, usually a UUID (i.e. comment:75b36465-4236-4d64-8c78-027d87f3c072). For hosting internal wikis, Jasper-UI uses a wiki scheme followed by the Wiki Page Name (i.e. wiki:John_Cena).

Like the OSI model, Jasper's data model is defined in layers:

  1. Identity Layer - Structure and Persistence of entities
  2. Indexing Layer - Defining optional fields used to query, sort, filter, and transport
  3. Validation Layer - plugins and templates are validated
  4. Modding Layer - custom plugins, templates, and clients


Jasper support hierarchical tagging of Refs. Tags are not entities, they are strings with regex [_+]?[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)*. Tags are part of the primary key for Tag-like entities, but no entities need exist to use a tag.
Refs have a list of tags which can be used for categorization, permissions, and plugins.
There are three types of tags, which the type defined as a semantic ontology: public, +protected, _private tags. The character prefix defines the type while also being part of the tag itself. Therefore, no lookup is ever required to determine the tag type.

  • A public tag can be used freely by anyone. This includes tagging a Ref, or using it in a query.
  • A protected tag can freely be used in a query, but you cannot tag a Ref with a protected tag unless it is in your read access list.
  • A private tag cannot be used at all unless permission is given. When fetching a Ref that includes private tags, they will be removed by the server prior to sending. See access control for more.

Tags may also be fully qualified by appending the origin. (i.e. tag@origin).
Use forward slashes to define hierarchical tags (i.e. people/murray/bill or people/murray/anne)


When fetching a page or Refs a query may be specified. The query language uses simple set-like operators to match Refs according to their tag list and Origin. You may use tags, origins, or fully qualified tags (tag + origin). There is a special origin @ which will match the default origin "" (the empty string).
If a tag is not fully qualified it will match the wildcard origin "@*". The * wild card can be used to match anything on the default origin "" (empty string). Valid operators in a query are:

  1. : and
  2. | or
  3. ! not
  4. () groups

Note: In the current implementation, groups may not be nested.

Example queries:

  • science: All Refs that include the science tag
  • science|funny: All Refs that have either the science tag or the funny tag
  • science:funny: All Refs that have both the science tag and the funny tag
  • science:!funny: All Refs that have the science tag but do not have the funny tag
  • (science|math):funny: All Refs that have either the science or math tags, but also the funny tag. This would match a ref with ['science', 'funny'], ['math', 'funny'], but would not match ['science', 'math']
  • science:funny|math:funny: Expended form of previous query. Would produce the exact same results.
  • music:people/murray: All Refs that have the music tag and people/murray tag. It would also match Refs with ['music', 'people/murray/anne'] or ['music', 'people/murray/bill']


Jasper allows extensive modification with server reuse. Since changes are done by creating Plugin and Template entities, server restarts are not required.
This method of modding means that only client changes are required. The same Jasper server, without any code modifications, can be used. The client can define and support its own Plugins and Templates. This allows for much more flexible development, as writing client code (in particular web clients) is much easier than writing server code. A developer with only front-end expertise can extend the Jasper model to support arbitrary applications.
In order to extend the functionality of a Ref, a developer may choose a set of tags or URL scheme and a convention by which they modify the semantics of a Ref. If a custom data model is also required, a Plugin entity may be created which defines a JTD schema. A Plugin is a Tag-like entity. When a Ref is tagged with a Plugin, the Plugin may be considered active for that Ref. The Ref may then store data in its config field and the server will validate it according to the schema.
Similarly, Ext entities may be created which extend the functionality of a tag. As Plugins define custom data that can be stored in a ref, Templates may be created which allow custom data to be stored in Ext entities and similarly validated according to their schema.

See Jasper-UI for examples of Plugins and Templates, such as:

  • plugin/thumbanail: This plugin allows a Ref to include a URL to a thumbnail image.
  • user Template: This template allows a user tag to customize their experience, such as subscribing to a list of tags to show on their home page.


There are two types of entities in Jasper:

  1. Refs
  2. Tags (including Exts, Plugins, Templates, and Users)

entities Origins are used to facilitate replication and multi-tenant operation. Each origin represents a jasper instance that that entity originated from. origins


Refs are the main data model in Jasper. A Ref defines a URL to a remote resource. Example:

  "url": "",
  "origin": "",
  "title": "Why does Science News Suck So Much?",
  "comment": "Sabine Hossenfelder",
  "tags": ["public", "youtube", "sabine"],
  "sources": [],
  "alternateUrls": [],
  "plugins": {
    "plugin/thumbnail": {"url": "https://...jpg"}
  "metadata": {
    "responses": 0,
    "internalResponses": 0,
    "plugins": {},
    "modified": "2022-06-18T12:07:04.404272Z"
  "published": "2022-06-18T12:00:07Z",
  "created": "2022-06-18T12:07:04.404272Z",
  "modified": "2022-06-18T12:07:04.404272Z"

Only the "url", "origin", "created", "modified", and "published" fields are required.

The combination of URL (including Alternate URLs) and Origin for this Ref must be unique and may be used as a Primary Composite Key. Implementations may also make the modified date part of the composite primary key for version history.

URL: The url of the resource.
Origin: The Origin this Ref was replicated from, or the empty string for local.
Title: Optional title for this Ref.
Comment: Optional comment for this Ref, usually markdown.
Tags: A list of tags used to categorise this Ref. All tags must match the regex [_+]?[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)*
Sources: A list of URLs which are sources for this Ref. These may or may not have a corresponding Ref entity. If a source URL does correspond to a Ref, the published date of the source must predate the published date of this Ref.
Alternate URLs: Alternate URLs which should be considered synonymous with the URL of this Ref. This should be used as part of a uniqueness check when ingesting Refs.
Plugins: A JSON object with plugin tags as fields and arbitrary JSON data defined by each respective plugin. Must be valid according to each plugin's schema.
Metadata: Optional data generated by the server for this resource. Includes response links (inverse source lookup).
Published: The published date of this resource. Default to create date if not known. This date must be later than the published date of all sources.
Created: Created date of this Ref.
Modified: Last modified date of this Ref. If this is the same as the created date no modification has occurred. Does not update if Metadata is modified.


An Ext is a Tag-like entity representing a Tag extension.

  "tag": "news",
  "origin": "",
  "name": "News",
  "config": {
    "sidebar": ""
  "modified": "2022-06-18T16:00:59.978700Z"

Only the "tag", "origin", and "modified" fields are required.

An Ext allows you to customise a Tag page. For example, you could set the sidebar text or pin some links.

Tag: The tag of this Ext. Must match the regex [_+]?[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)* Origin: The Origin this Ext was replicated from, or the empty string for local. Name: The display name of this Ext. Used to customise the page title for the Tag page. Config: Arbitrary JSON data defined by Templates. Must be valid according to each template's schema. Modified: Last modified date of this Ext


A User is a Tag-like entity representing a user.

  "tag": "+user/charlie",
  "origin": "",
  "name": "Charlie Brown",
  "readAccess": [],
  "writeAccess": [],
  "tagReadAccess": [],
  "tagWriteAccess": [],
  "pubKey": "...",
  "modified": "2022-06-18T16:00:59.978700Z"

Only the "tag", "origin", and "modified" fields are required.

A User contains the access control information for the system. Access tags work in all sub-origins.

Tag: The tag of this User. Must match the regex [_+]user/[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)*
Origin: The Origin this User was replicated from, or the empty string for local.
Name: The display name of this User. Used to customise the page title for the Tag page.
Read Access: List of tags this user has complete read access to. Grants read access to all entities with this tag.
Write Access: List of tags this user has complete write access to. Grants write access to all entities with this tag.
Tag Read Access: List of tags this user can read. Only applies to Tag-like entities. Only needed for private tags.
Tag Write Access: List of tags this user can write. Only applies to Tag-like entities.
Pub Key: Base 64 encoded public RSA key. Used for verifying signatures to validate authorship.
Modified: Last modified date of this User.


A Plugin is a Tag-like entity used to extend the functionality of Refs.

  "tag": "plugin/thumbnail",
  "origin": "",
  "name": "⭕️ Thumbnail",
  "config": {...},
  "defaults": {},
  "schema": {
    "optionalProperties": {
      "url": {"type": "string"},
      "width": {"type": "int32", "nullable": true},
      "height": {"type": "int32", "nullable": true}
  "generateMetadata": false,
  "userUrl": false,
  "modified": "2022-06-18T16:27:13.774959Z"

Only the "tag", "origin", and "modified" fields are required.

Tagging a ref with a Plugin tag applies that plugin to the Ref. The Ref plugin must contain valid data according to the Plugin schema.

Tag: The tag of this Plugin. Must match the regex [_+]?plugin/[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)*
Origin: The Origin this Plugin was replicated from, or the empty string for local.
Name: The display name of this Ext. Used to customise the page title for the Tag page.
Config: Arbitrary JSON.
Defaults: Default plugin data if creating a new Ref with empty plugin data.
Schema: Json Type Def (JTD) schema used to validate plugin data in Ref.
Generate Metadata: Flag to indicate Refs should generate a separate inverse source lookup for this plugin in all Ref metadata.
User Url: Flag to only allow this plugin on a User Url, which is a specially constructed URL of the form tag:/{tag}?user={user}. This has the effect of restricting the plugin to one Ref per user. Modified: Last modified date of this Plugin.


A Template is a Tag-like entity used to extend the functionality of Exts.

  "tag": "",
  "origin": "",
  "name": "Default Template",
  "config": {...},
  "defaults": {
    "pinned": []
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
    "pinned": {"elements": {"type": "string"}}
  "optionalProperties": {
    "sidebar": {"type": "string"}
  "modified": "2022-06-18T16:27:13.774959Z"

Only the "tag", "origin", and "modified" fields are required.

The Tag in the case of a template is actually a Tag prefix. This Template matches all Exts where its tag followed by a forward slash is a prefix of the Ext tag. In the case of the empty string the Template matches all Exts.

Tag: The tag of this Template. Must match the regex [_+]?[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)* or the empty string.
Origin: The Origin this Template was replicated from, or the empty string for local.
Name: The display name of this Template.
Config: Arbitrary JSON.
Defaults: Default Ext config if creating a new Ext with empty config.
Schema: Json Type Def (JTD) schema used to validate Ext config.
Modified: Last modified date of this Template.


The jasper model is defined in layers. This is to facilitate lower level operations such as routing, querying and archiving.

Identity Layer

The identity layer of the Jasper model defines how entities are stored or retrieved. A system operating at this layer should be extremely lenient when validating entities. Only the identity fields of the entity need to be considered. The identity fields are:

  1. Refs: (URL, Origin, Modified)
  2. Tags: (Tag, Origin, Modified)

Together, the (Origin, Modified) keys represent the cursor of the entity, which is used in origin based replication.

Indexing Layer

The indexing layer of the Jasper model adds tags to Refs. A system operating at this layer should support tag queries, sorting and filtering.

Validation Layer

The validation layer of the Jasper model includes all entity fields. Plugins and Templates are validated according to their schema.

Plugin and Template Inheritance

Plugins and Templates behave differently in how they inherit the fields of the parent Ext. Plugins stack and templates merge. For example, the Plugin plugin/test like:

  "tag": "plugin/test",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "test": { "type":  "string" }

And the Plugin plugin/test/this like:

  "tag": "plugin/test/this",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "more": { "type":  "string" }

If we use both of these plugins in the same Ref, both plugins would have their data stacked, like:

  "url": "test:1",
  "plugins": {
    "plugin/test": {
      "test": "data"
    "plugin/test/this": {
      "more": "tests"

A template would merge all fields, overwriting at every stage, into a final result. For example, the Template a like:

  "tag": "a",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "test": { "type":  "string" }

And the Template a/b like:

  "tag": "a/b",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "more": { "type":  "string" }

If we use both of these plugins in the same Ext, both plugins would have their data merged, like:

  "tag": "a/b/c",
  "config": {
    "test": "data",
    "more": "tests"

If a child Template defines an overlapping field in the schema, it will override the parent type.

Modding Layer

The modding layer of the Jasper model is entirely client side. No server changes are required in order to support new plugins or templates.

Cursor Replication

Distributed systems must make tradeoffs according to the CAP theorem. According to the CAP theorem you may only provide two of these three guarantees: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. Jasper uses an eventually consistent model, where availability and partition tolerance are guaranteed. The modified date is used as a cursor to efficiently poll for modified records.

To replicate a Jasper instance simply create a Ref for that instance and tag it +plugin/origin/pull. If either the pull-burst or pull-schedule profiles are active the jasper server will then poll that instance periodically to check for any new entities. The modified date of the last entity received will be stored and used for the next poll. When polling, the Jasper server requests a batch of entities from the remote instance where the modified date is after the last stored modified date, sorted by modified date ascending. Users with the MOD role may also initiate a scrape.

Duplicate Modified Date

Jasper instances should enforce unique modified dates as the cursor for each entity type. Otherwise, when receiving a batch of entities, it's possible that the last entity you received has a modified date that is exactly the same as another entity. If that is the case, requesting the next batch after that modified date will skip such entities.

To prevent duplicate modified dates it's enough to add a single millisecond to the date until it is unique.


Jasper is available in the following distributions:

It supports the following configuration options:

Environment Variable Description Default Value (in prod)
SERVER_PORT Port to listen for HTTP connections. 8081
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE Set the comma separated list of runtime profiles. default
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL PostgreSQL database connection string. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jasper
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME PostgreSQL database username. jasper
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD PostgreSQL database password.
JASPER_INGEST_MAX_RETRY Maximum number of retry attempts for getting a unique modified date when ingesting a Ref. 5
JASPER_MAX_ETAG_PAGE_SIZE Max number of results in a page before calculating an Etag is no longer attempted. 300
JASPER_BACKUP_BUFFER_SIZE Size of buffer in bytes used to cache JSON in RAM before flushing to disk during backup. 1000000
JASPER_RESTORE_BATCH_SIZE Number of entities to restore in each transaction. 500
JASPER_BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE Number of entities to generate Metadata for in each transaction when backfilling. 1000
JASPER_CLEAR_CACHE_COOLDOWN_SEC Number of seconds to throttle clearing the config cache. 2
JASPER_PUSH_COOLDOWN_SEC Number of seconds to throttle pushing after modification. 1
JASPER_LOCAL_ORIGIN The origin of this server, unless overridden in a header or auth token. false
JASPER_ALLOW_LOCAL_ORIGIN_HEADER Allow overriding the local origin via the Local-Origin header. Only set this if you set in reverse proxy. false
JASPER_ALLOW_USER_TAG_HEADER Allow pre-authentication of a user via the User-Tag header. false
JASPER_ALLOW_USER_ROLE_HEADER Allows escalating user role via User-Role header. false
JASPER_ALLOW_AUTH_HEADERS Allow adding additional user permissions via Read-Access, Write-Access, Tag-Read-Access, and Tag-Write-Access headers. false
JASPER_MAX_ROLE Highest role allowed to access the server. Users with a higher role will have their role reduced to this. ROLE_ANONYMOUS
JASPER_MIN_ROLE Minimum role required to access the server. ROLE_ANONYMOUS
JASPER_MIN_WRITE_ROLE Minimum role required to write to the server. ROLE_ANONYMOUS
JASPER_DEFAULT_ROLE Default role given to all users. ROLE_ANONYMOUS
JASPER_DEFAULT_READ_ACCESS Additional read access qualified tags to apply to all users.
JASPER_DEFAULT_WRITE_ACCESS Additional write access qualified tags to apply to all users.
JASPER_DEFAULT_TAG_READ_ACCESS Additional tag read access qualified tags to apply to all users.
JASPER_DEFAULT_TAG_WRITE_ACCESS Additional tag write access qualified tags to apply to all users.
JASPER_STORAGE Path to the folder to use for storage. Used by the backup system. /var/lib/jasper
JASPER_NODE Path to node binary for running javascript deltas. /usr/local/bin/node
JASPER_CACHE_API HTTP address of an instance where storage is enabled.
JASPER_SSH_CONFIG_NAMESPACE K8s namespace to write authorized_keys config map file to.
JASPER_SSH_CONFIG_MAP_NAME K8s config map name to write authorized_keys file to.
JASPER_SECURITY_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY Set the CSP header. "default-src 'self'; frame-src 'self' data:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self' data:"
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_EMAIL_HOST Override the server email host.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_MAX_SOURCES Override the server max sources.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_MOD_SEALS Override the server mod seals.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_EDITOR_SEALS Override the server editor seals.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_WEB_ORIGINS Override the server origins with web access.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_SSH_ORIGINS Override the server origins with SSH access.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_PUSH_ORIGINS Override the server origins with that can push replicate.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_MAX_PUSH_ENTITY_BATCH Override the server maximum batch size for push replicate.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_PULL_ORIGINS Override the server origins with that can pull replicate.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_MAX_PUSH_ENTITY_BATCH Override the server maximum batch size for pull replicate.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_SCRIPT_SELECTORS Override the server tags and origins that can run scripts. No wildcard origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_SCRIPT_WHITELIST Override the server list of whitelisted script SHA-256 hashes.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_HOST_WHITELIST Override the server list of whitelisted hosts.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SERVER_HOST_BLACKLIST Override the server list of blacklisted hosts.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_MODE Override the security mode for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_CLIENT_ID Override the security clientId for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_BASE64_SECRET Override the security base64Secret for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_SECRET Override the security secret for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_JWKS_URI Override the security jwksUri for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_USERNAME_CLAIM Override the security usernameClaim for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_USER Override the security defaultUser for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_TOKEN_ENDPOINT Override the security tokenEndpoint for all origins.
JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_SCIM_ENDPOINT Override the security scimEndpoint for all origins.
JASPER_HEAP Set both max and initial heap size for the JVM. Only applies to the docker container. 512m


When run with the default settings, the local origin is set to "". This means all origins are visible. If you change the local origin to something else, like @other, you can only see sub-origins, like You can change the local origin with a HTTP header to use the server in multi-tenant mode. If you login though a reverse-proxy or gateway that sets the local origin back to "" you will still be able to see all origins. You can also run workers in their own origin as a sandbox.


Setting the active profiles is done through the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. Multiple profiles can be activated by adding them all as a comma separated list.

For production use the prod profile should be active. For testing, the dev profile will enable additional logging.

To enable JWT Token Authentication activate the jwt profile. Either set the _config/security template in the Origin receiving traffic:

  "mode": "jwt",
  "clientId": "",
  "base64Secret": "",
  "secret": "",
  "jwksUri": "",
  "usernameClaim": "",
  "tokenEndpoint": "",
  "scimEndpoint": ""

or set the environment variable overrides:

  • Set JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_MODE to either jwt or jwks

If your user management server supports SCIM, you can enable the scim profile to manage users. Requires the _config/security clientId, secret, and scimEndpoint set. Or JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_CLIENT_ID, JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_BASE64_SECRET, and JASPER_OVERRIDE_SECURITY_SCIM_ENDPOINT environment variable.

The storage profile is required for backups, caches, or preloading static files. Use the JASPER_STORAGE environment variable to change the location of the storage folder.

The preload profile lets you preload static files. Zip files in the preload folder $JASPER_STORAGE/default/preload. If $JASPER_LOCAL_ORIGIN is set, $JASPER_STORAGE/$JASPER_LOCAL_ORIGIN/preload is used.

The scripts profile enables server side scripting through the plugin/delta Plugin.

Access Control

Jasper uses a combination of simple roles and Tag Based Access Control (TBAC). There are five hierarchical roles which cover broad access control, Admin, Mod, Editor, User, and Viewer. The Anonymous role is given to users who are not logged in. Roles are hierarchical, so they include any permissions granted to a preceding role.

  • ROLE_ANONYMOUS: read access to public tags and Refs.
  • ROLE_VIEWER: logged in user. Can be given access to private tags and Refs.
  • ROLE_USER: can post refs. Has read/write access to their user tag.
  • ROLE_EDITOR: can add/remove public tags to any post they have read access to.
  • ROLE_MOD: can read/write any tag or ref except plugins and templates.
  • ROLE_ADMIN: complete access to origin and sub-origins. Root admin can access all origins Can read/write plugins and templates, perform backups and restores.

Tags are used to provide fine-grained access to resources. For Refs, the list of tags are considered. For Tags entities, their tag is considered.

The tag permissions are stored in the User entities:

  • Tag Read Access
    • Can read tag
    • Can add tag
  • Tag Write Access
    • Can edit tag Ext
  • Read Access (Refs and Tags)
    • Can read ref with tag
    • Can read tag
    • Can add tag
  • Write Access (Refs and Tags)
    • No public tags
    • Can write ref with tag
    • Can edit tag Ext

Special URL Schemas


URLs that have the cache: scheme represent items stored in a file cache. Most URLs with a resource in a file cache have a standard https: scheme, as they are just a cache of a resource that exists elsewhere. When a file is pushed into the cache (such as a generated thumbnail), it is generated a random cache:<uuid> URL.

Tag URLs

URLs that point to a tag, such as tag:/history ignore regular tagging access rules. Instead, you can access this Ref if you can access the tag it points to.

User URLs

URLs that point to a user tag, such as tag:/+user/chris are always owned by the user. These specials URLs can also be used to store per-plugin config data, such as tag:/+user/chris?url=tag:/plugin/kanban. Visibility of plugin setting can be set on a per-user, per-plugin basis. For convenience, the user URL is used if a blank URL is passed to the tagging response controller. This allows you to quickly ensure settings are initialized and fetch / edit Ref plugins and tags to read settings. If a tag are passed, for example plugin/kanban, the default is the kanban user settings Ref: tag:/+user/chris?url=tag:/plugin/kanban. If a blank URL and a blank tag are passed, the default is the generic user settings Ref: tag:/+user/chris.

Special Tags

Some public tags have special significance:

  • public: everyone can read
  • internal: don't show in UI normally, count separately in metadata
  • locked: No edits allowed (tagging is allowed, but not removing plugin data)


Users only have read-access to their own origin and sub-origins. For example, if a tenant has origin @test, they can also read @test.other. As usual, writing to origins other than your own is never allowed.

Access Tokens

When running the system with JWT authentication, roles may be added as claims.
For example:

  "sub": "username",
  "auth": "ROLE_USER"

Note: The claim names may be changed with the JASPER_USERNAME_CLAIM and JASPER_AUTHORITIES_CLAIM properties.

Backup / Restore

Jasper has a built-in backup system for mods and/or admins. Regular users should instead replicate to a separate jasper instance. In order to use the backup system, the storage profile must be active.


When ingesting entities, Jasper performs the following validation:

  • Fields must not exceed their maximum length
  • URLS are valid according to the regex (([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))
  • Tags are valid according to their respective prefix and the general tag regex [_+]?[a-z0-9]+([./][a-z0-9]+)*
  • If a Ref has plugins present, any plugin data must conform to the plugin's schema
  • If an Ext matches a template prefix, any config must conform to all matching templates merged schemas

Plugin and Template schemas are in JTD, which only validates the shape of the data. In addition to total bytes of the entity, these are the only server side data validations performed. No security related validations should be required on Ref or Ext data, so client side validation should be sufficient in most cases. Error checking should be the first part of any script parsing user input as part of a workflow. We always want to err on the side of accepting well-shaped data rather than rejecting it, as server validation errors rejecting valid user input are infuriating and very common. Error correction can happen as a follow-up step if the client validation was somehow circumvented.


Jasper uses metadata generation pre-compute graph connections without including it in the transmitted data model. Jasper generates the following metadata in Refs:

  • List of responses: This is an inverse lookup of the Ref sources. Excludes any Refs with the internal tag.
  • List of internal responses: This is an inverse lookup of the Ref sources that include the internal tag.
  • List of plugin responses: If a plugin has enabled metadata generation, this will include a list of responses with that plugin.
  • Obsolete: flag set if another origin contains the newest version of this Ref

Server Scripting

When the scripts profile is active, scripts may be attached to Refs with either the plugin/delta tag or the plugin/script tag. Only admin users may install scripts and they run with very few guardrails. A regular user may invoke the script by tagging a Ref. The tagged ref will be serialized as UTF-8 JSON and passed to stdin. Environment variables will include the API endpoint as JASPER_API. Return a non-zero error code to fail the script and attach an error log. The script should by writing UTF-8 JSON to stdout of the form:

  "ref": [],
  "ext": [],
  "user": [],
  "plugin": [],
  "template": []

These entities will either be created or updated, as necessary.

Adding the +plugin/error tag will prevent any further processing. Remove the +plugin/error tag to retry. You can also attach any error logs for the user to see by replying to the delta with the +plugin/log tag. Logs should be tagged internal to prevent clutter, and should match the visibility of the parent delta (public or not) with the same owner so the user can clear the logs as desired.

Delta Scripts

Any Refs with a plugin/delta tag will run the attached script when modified.

You can use this to mark the input Ref as completed by either:

  1. Removing the plugin/delta tag
  2. Adding a +plugin/delta Plugin response

Right now only JavaScript scripts are supported. Here are examples that reply in all uppercase:

Remove the plugin/delta tag:

Use this approach when a script could be run multiple times to create multiple outputs.

const whatPlugin = {
  tag: 'plugin/delta/what',
  config: {
    timeoutMs: 30_000,
    language: 'javascript',
    // language=JavaScript
    script: `
      const ref = JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(0, 'utf-8'));
      const louderRef = {
        url: 'yousaid:' + ref.url,
        sources: [ref.url],
        comment: ref.comment.toUpperCase(),
      louderRef.tags = ref.tags = ref.tags.filter(t => t !== 'plugin/delta/what' && !t.startsWith('plugin/delta/what/'));
        ref: [ref, louderRef],

Add the +plugin/delta Plugin response:

This is the recommended approach as it does need to modify existing Refs and is less likely for a bug to cause an infinite loop.

const whatPlugin = {
  tag: 'plugin/delta/what',
  config: {
    timeoutMs: 30_000,
    language: 'javascript',
    // language=JavaScript
    script: `
      const ref = JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(0, 'utf-8'));
      const louderRef = {
        url: 'yousaid:' + ref.url,
        sources: [ref.url],
        comment: ref.comment.toUpperCase(),
        tags: ['+plugin/delta/what']
        ref: [louderRef],
const whatPluginSignature = {
  tag: '+plugin/delta/what',
  generateMetadata: true,

Cron scripts

Any Refs with a plugin/script tag will run the attached script when the +plugin/cron tag is also present. The +plugin/cron tag contains plugin data with a default interval of 15 minutes:

  "interval": "PT15M"

When the +plugin/cron tag is present the script will be run repeatedly at the interval specified. Removing the +plugin/cron tag will disable the script.

You can use this to mark the input Ref as completed by either:

  1. Removing the plugin/delta tag
  2. Adding a +plugin/delta Plugin response


Here is a script that outputs the current time:

const timePlugin = {
  tag: 'plugin/script/time',
  config: {
    timeoutMs: 30_000,
    language: 'javascript',
    // language=JavaScript
    script: `
      const uuid = require('uuid');
      const ref = JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(0, 'utf-8'));
      const timeRef = {
        url: 'comment:' + uuid.v4(),
        sources: [ref.url],
        comment: '' + new Date(),
        tags: ['public', 'time']
        ref: [timeRef],

RSS / Atom Scraping

TODO: make this a mod plugin/script/feed and remove it from the server The plugin/feed can be used to scrape RSS / Atom feeds. The +plugin/cron tag is used to set the scraping interval. If no +plugin/cron is added the feed is considered disabled. Although plugin fields are determined dynamically, the following fields are checked by the scraper:

  "optionalProperties": {
    "addTags": { "elements": { "type": "string" } },
    "disableEtag": { "type": "boolean" },
    "etag": { "type": "string" },
    "stripQuery": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeWebpage": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeDescription": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeContents": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeAuthors": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeThumbnail": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeAudio": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeVideo": { "type": "boolean" },
    "scrapeEmbed": { "type": "boolean" }

Add Tags: Tags to apply to any Refs created by this feed.
Disable Etag: Don't use etag headers to skip unchanged feeds.
Strip Query: Remove query (HTTP search field) from any scraped links.
Scrape Webpage: Scrape the web-page directly instead.
Scrape Description: Use description field in the feed for the Ref comment field.
Scrape Contents: Use contents field in the feed for the Ref comment field.
Scrape Authors: Use authors field in the feed to add an authors line at the bottom of the Ref comment field.
Scrape Thumbnail: Add a plugin/thumbnail Plugin to the Ref with attached feed media.
Scrape Audio: Add a plugin/audio Plugin to the Ref with attached feed media.
Scrape Video: Add a plugin/video Plugin to the Ref with attached feed media.
Scrape Embed: Add a plugin/embed tag to the Ref to load oEmbed.

The plugin/feed will be set as a source for all scraped Refs. If the published date of the new entry is prior to the published date of the plugin/feed it will be skipped.

Remote Origin

The +plugin/origin tag marks a Ref as a Remote Origin and associates it with a local alias. These may be either pulled from or pushed to.

  "optionalProperties": {
    "local": { "type": "string" },
    "remote": { "type": "string" }

Local: Local alias for the remote origin.
Remote: Remote origin to query, or blank for the default.

Replicating Remote Origin

The +plugin/origin/pull tag can be used to replicate remote origins. Since this plugin extends +plugin/origin, we already have the local and remote fields set.

  "properties": {
    "pullInterval": { "type": "string" }
  "optionalProperties": {
    "query": { "type": "string" },
    "proxy": { "type": "string" },
    "lastPull": { "type": "string" },
    "batchSize": { "type": "int32" },
    "generateMetadata": { "type": "boolean" },
    "validatePlugins": { "type": "boolean" },
    "validateTemplates": { "type": "boolean" },
    "addTags": { "elements": { "type": "string" } },
    "removeTags": { "elements": { "type": "string" } }

Query: Restrict results using a query. Can not use qualified tags as replication only works on a single origin at a time. If you want to combine multiple origins into one, create multiple +plugin/origin Refs.
Proxy: Alternate URL to replicate from.
Last Pull: The time this origin was last replicated.
Pull Interval: The time interval to replicate this origin. Use ISO 8601 duration format.
Batch Size: The max number of entities of each type to pull each interval.
Generate Metadata: Flag to enable, disable metadata generation.
Validate Plugins: Flag to enable, disable plugin validation.
Validate Templates: Flag to enable, disable template validation.
Validation Origin: Origin to get plugin and templates for validation.
Add Tags: Tags to apply to any Refs replicated from this origin.
Remove Tags: Tags to remove from any Refs replicated from this origin.

Pushing to a Remote Origin

The +plugin/origin/push tag can be used to replicate remote origins. Since this plugin extends +plugin/origin, we already have the local and remote fields set.

  "properties": {
    "pushInterval": { "type": "string" }
  "optionalProperties": {
    "query": { "type": "string" },
    "proxy": { "type": "string" },
    "lastPush": { "type": "string" },
    "batchSize": { "type": "int32" },
    "writeOnly": { "type": "boolean" },
    "lastModifiedRefWritten": { "elements": { "type": "string" } },
    "lastModifiedExtWritten": { "elements": { "type": "string" } },
    "lastModifiedUserWritten": { "elements": { "type": "string" } },
    "lastModifiedPluginWritten": { "elements": { "type": "string" } },
    "lastModifiedTemplateWritten": { "elements": { "type": "string" } }

Query: Restrict push using a query. Can not use qualified tags as replication only works on a single origin at a time. If you want to combine multiple origins into one, create multiple +plugin/origin Refs.
Proxy: Alternate URL to push to.
Last Push: The time this origin was last pushed to.
Pull Interval: The time interval to replicate this origin. Use ISO 8601 duration format.
Batch Size: The max number of entities of each type to pull each interval.
Write Only: Do not query remote for last modified cursor, just use saved cursor.
Last Modified Ref Written: Modified date of last Ref pushed.
Last Modified Ext Written: Modified date of last Ext pushed.
Last Modified User Written: Modified date of last User pushed.
Last Modified Plugin Written: Modified date of last Plugin pushed.
Last Modified Template Written: Modified date of last Template pushed.

Random Number Generator

The plugin/rng tag can be used to generate random numbers. Random numbers are generated whenever editing, creating or pushing a Ref replaces an existing Ref of a different origin. When a new random number is generated it is represented in hex in the tag +plugin/rng/6d7eb8ebb38a47d29c6a6cbc9156a1a3, for example. When replicated, random numbers will not be overwritten so that spectators may verify the results. Editing of a Ref that is already the latest version across all origins will preserve the existing random number or lack thereof. This ensures random numbers can't be farmed, as you cannot generate a new number without cooperation from another origin.

When delegating rng to a trusted server, users push their updates to that server and replicate the results.
When playing on mutually replicating servers, each server is trusted to generate their own rng.

Release Notes


Run a dev server with docker compose up.
Run a supporting dev database and cache with docker compose up db redis -d.


Run docker build -t jasper . to build the project.

Running unit tests

Run docker build --target=test -t jasper-tests . to build the tests.
Run docker run -it jasper-tests to execute the unit tests.

Running end-to-end tests

See Jasper-UI Cypress Tests.