Multiomic analysis and data integration for biological characterization, prediction, and design.
Mycelia wraps existing best-in-class bioinformatics tools via Conda where existing solutions are available, and extends and integrates those tools with code written in Julia.
Designed for linux-based HPC and cloud systems.
Install Julia (if not already installed)
I have had trouble getting the visualization libraries Plots.jl and Makie.jl (and associated packages) to load correctly on HPC due to the complexities of the default LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I imagine other research supercomputer users may have similar issues, although I don't have these issues on cloud vendors like GCP or AWS
To enable Julia to install all of it's own necessary dependencies independent of the system, I reset the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable prior to launching Julia !!
This can be done easily when launching Julia from the command line by
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" && julia
Clone the repo directly
cd /path/where/you/want/the/repo
# for production usage
git clone
# for development
git clone [email protected]:cjprybol/Mycelia.git
Or as Julia package
import Pkg
# for production usage
# for development
Pkg.develop(url="[email protected]:cjprybol/Mycelia.git")
documentation in prep