TODO: update to tiptap v2, switch to Vite + React + TS starter, switch SWR --> React query
- tiptap core
- - for resizing
- react-hotkeys-hook for hotkeys
- Next.js 12 with TypeScript
- MongoDB (possibly move to Supabase??)
absolutely need full-text-search across all notes inner content, in addition to searching titles
- mongoDB FTS? or
requirements for text editor
- nested lists
- paste URLs, images
- multiple panes
- sync to db
- code blocks
- add pane
- rename folder
- move folders around
- add folder search
- move pane to another folder??
- add full-text search
- add currently focused folder to URL state
- all remote images usually cached, even though they keep attempting to refetch on HTML load, so in practice very efficient
- resizable images
- Mobile-friendly CSS:
- need to be all one column in mobile, but be up to a row of 3 in desktop
- Notes section needs to be on desktop all the time, but be collapsed/expandable in mobile.
- backlinking to different panes, with autocomplete?