: all input videosHaarcascade_Classifier
: two classifiers. We usedhaarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
classifier because it has better performanceOutput_Video
: contains all types of output videos, including.avi
. Grade whichever opens on your laptop.First_Frame_with_Features
: contains all first frame images with feature points and boxes overlaidResources
is micellaneous, can be ignored
: defaultscaleFactor=1.1
. AdjustscaleFactor=1.02
when running onstrangerthings.mp4
: containsdrawBox
function which copies image with feature box overlaid on it, and gaussian convolution functiongaussianPDF
which returns an operator for Ix and Iy
: main function produces the tracked videos.
To test on different input videos, change
file path andtracked_video
file path. If atracked_video
with the same name already exist, videowriter does not override and will fail to produce new tracked video file.
note: the color scale is a bit off