A simple Meme Creator & Editor app developed for iOS iPhone 10+ using Swift 5.2. The app allows users to create their own memes, or choose from a selected set of memes. Users have the ability to customise the text, font and font size.
The Meme Creator app contains a slick onboarding screen, the ability for users to select from a bunch of existing memes and an editor/creator mode.
With this app users can:
- Choose from existing memes
- Change fonts
- Create memes from their photo gallery
- Save to their photo library
The Meme Creator app uses the MVC design pattern and due to screen realestate is built for iPhone's 10+.
- Core Graphics: graphic rendering and exporting, drawing attributed strings to UIImage into the Core Graphic context
- Image Picker Controller: importing images using the UIImagePickerController class
- Scroll VIew: UIScrollView with a UIPageController combined for a simplified but intuitive loading screen
The app is actively upgraded to adopt the latest features of iOS and Swift language.
- 🕹 Sleak design
- 🚀 Subtle animations
- 📲 Clean architecture
- 🎨 Simple editing
To do:
- ❎ Configure autolayout to support devices 8 and lower
- ❎ Create UI programmatically
- Developer: Ben Clarke
The following guide will help you get started and download the repo:
- Xcode 9
- iOS 10+
- Swift 4