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Fix PacketFifo bug
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Now correctly drops packets that are too big to fit in the content FIFO in 'Backpressure' mode.
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t-wallet committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 6a94198 commit d7f2f3a
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Showing 2 changed files with 270 additions and 122 deletions.
231 changes: 196 additions & 35 deletions clash-protocols/src/Protocols/PacketStream/PacketFifo.hs
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

Expand All @@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ Copyright : (C) 2024, QBayLogic B.V.
License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. <[email protected]>
Optimized Store and forward FIFO circuit for packet streams.
Optimized store and forward FIFO circuit for packet streams.
module Protocols.PacketStream.PacketFifo (
Expand All @@ -16,23 +17,154 @@ module Protocols.PacketStream.PacketFifo (

import Clash.Prelude

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe.Extra (toMaybe)

import Protocols
import Protocols.PacketStream.Base

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe.Extra

type PacketStreamContent (dataWidth :: Nat) (meta :: Type) =
(Vec dataWidth (BitVector 8), Maybe (Index (dataWidth + 1)))

-- | Specifies the behaviour of `packetFifoC` when it is full.
data FullMode
= -- | Assert backpressure when the FIFO is full.
| -- | Drop new packets when the FIFO is full.
-- The FIFO never asserts backpressure.

toPacketStreamContent ::
PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta -> PacketStreamContent dataWidth meta
toPacketStreamContent PacketStreamM2S{_data = d, _last = l, _meta = _, _abort = _} = (d, l)
toPacketStreamContent PacketStreamM2S{..} = (_data, _last)

toPacketStreamM2S ::
PacketStreamContent dataWidth meta -> meta -> PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta
toPacketStreamM2S (d, l) m = PacketStreamM2S d l m False

data PacketFifoState contentDepth metaDepth = PacketFifoState
{ _canRead :: Bool
-- ^ We need this to avoid read-write conflicts.
, _dropping :: Bool
-- ^ Whether we are dropping the current packet.
, _basePtr :: Unsigned contentDepth
-- ^ Points to the base address of the current packet, i.e. the address of
-- the first transfer.
, _cReadPtr :: Unsigned contentDepth
-- ^ Read pointer in the content block ram.
, _cWritePtr :: Unsigned contentDepth
-- ^ Write pointer in the content block ram.
, _mReadPtr :: Unsigned metaDepth
-- ^ Read pointer in the metadata block ram.
, _mWritePtr :: Unsigned metaDepth
-- ^ Write pointer in the metadata block ram.
deriving (Generic, NFDataX, Show, ShowX)

-- | State transition function of 'packetFifoC', mode @Backpressure@.
packetFifoT ::
(dataWidth :: Nat)
(meta :: Type)
(contentDepth :: Nat)
(metaDepth :: Nat).
(KnownNat dataWidth) =>
(KnownNat contentDepth) =>
(KnownNat metaDepth) =>
(1 <= contentDepth) =>
(1 <= metaDepth) =>
(NFDataX meta) =>
PacketFifoState contentDepth metaDepth ->
( Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta)
, PacketStreamS2M
, PacketStreamContent dataWidth meta
, meta
) ->
( PacketFifoState contentDepth metaDepth
, ( Unsigned contentDepth
, Unsigned metaDepth
, Maybe (Unsigned contentDepth, PacketStreamContent dataWidth meta)
, Maybe (Unsigned metaDepth, meta)
, PacketStreamS2M
, Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta)
packetFifoT st@PacketFifoState{..} (fwdIn, bwdIn, cRam, mRam) =
(nextSt, (cReadPtr', mReadPtr', cWriteCmd, mWriteCmd, bwdOut, fwdOut))
-- Status signals
pktTooBig = _cWritePtr + 1 == _cReadPtr && fifoEmpty
(lastPkt, dropping) = case fwdIn of
Nothing -> (False, _dropping || pktTooBig)
Just PacketStreamM2S{..} -> (isJust _last, _dropping || pktTooBig || _abort)

fifoEmpty = _mReadPtr == _mWritePtr
fifoSinglePacket = _mReadPtr + 1 == _mWritePtr
fifoFull =
(_cWritePtr + 1 == _cReadPtr)
|| (_mWritePtr + 1 == _mReadPtr && lastPkt)

-- Enables
readEn = _canRead && not fifoEmpty
cReadEn = readEn && _ready bwdIn
mReadEn = readEn && _ready bwdIn && isJust (snd cRam)

-- Output
bwdOut = PacketStreamS2M (not fifoFull || dropping)
fwdOut =
if readEn
then Just (toPacketStreamM2S cRam mRam)
else Nothing

-- New state

-- Our block RAM is read-before-write, so we cannot use the read value next
-- clock cycle if there is a read-write conflict. Such a conflict might happen
-- when we finish writing a packet into the FIFO while:
-- 1. The FIFO is empty.
-- 2. The FIFO has one packet inside and we finish outputting it this clock cycle.
canRead' = not (lastPkt && (fifoEmpty || (mReadEn && fifoSinglePacket)))
dropping' = dropping && not lastPkt

basePtr' = if lastPkt && _ready bwdOut then cWritePtr' else _basePtr
cReadPtr' = if cReadEn then _cReadPtr + 1 else _cReadPtr
mReadPtr' = if mReadEn then _mReadPtr + 1 else _mReadPtr

(cWriteCmd, cWritePtr') =
if not dropping && not fifoFull
( (\t -> (_cWritePtr, toPacketStreamContent t)) <$> fwdIn
, _cWritePtr + 1
( Nothing
, if dropping then _basePtr else _cWritePtr

-- Write the metadata into RAM upon the last transfer of a packet, and
-- advance the write pointer. This allows us to write the data of a packet
-- into RAM even if the metadata RAM is currently full (hoping that it will
-- free up before we read the end of the packet). It also prevents unnecessary
-- writes in case a packet is aborted or too big.
(mWriteCmd, mWritePtr') =
if not dropping && not fifoFull && lastPkt
then ((\t -> (_mWritePtr, _meta t)) <$> fwdIn, _mWritePtr + 1)
else (Nothing, _mWritePtr)

nextSt = case fwdIn of
Nothing -> st{_canRead = True, _cReadPtr = cReadPtr', _mReadPtr = mReadPtr'}
Just _ ->
{ _canRead = canRead'
, _dropping = dropping'
, _basePtr = basePtr'
, _cReadPtr = cReadPtr'
, _cWritePtr = cWritePtr'
, _mReadPtr = mReadPtr'
, _mWritePtr = mWritePtr'

-- | Implementation of 'packetFifoC', mode @Drop@.
packetFifoImpl ::
(dom :: Domain)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,46 +255,75 @@ packetFifoImpl SNat SNat (fwdIn, bwdIn) = (PacketStreamS2M . not <$> fullBuffer,
nextPacketIn = lastWordIn .&&. writeEnable

{- |
Packet buffer, a circuit which stores words in a buffer until the packet is complete.
Once a packet is complete it will send the entire packet out at once without stalls.
If a transfer in a packet has `_abort` set to true, the packetBuffer will drop the entire packet.
FIFO circuit optimized for the PacketStream protocol. Contains two FIFOs, one
for packet data ('_data', '_last') and one for packet metadata ('_meta').
Because metadata is constant per packet, the metadata FIFO can be signficantly
shallower, saving resources.
Moreover, the output of the FIFO has some other properties:
- All packets which contain a transfer with '_abort' set are dropped.
- All packets that are bigger than or equal to @2^contentDepth - 1@ transfers are dropped.
- There are no gaps in output packets, i.e. @Nothing@ in between valid transfers of a packet.
__UNSAFE__: if `FullMode` is set to @Backpressure@ and a packet containing
@>= 2^contentSizeBits-1@ transfers is loaded into the FIFO, it will deadlock.
The circuit is able to satisfy these properties because it first loads an entire
packet before it may transmit it. That is also why packets bigger than the
content FIFO need to be dropped.
Two modes can be selected:
- @Backpressure@: assert backpressure like normal when the FIFO is full.
- @Drop@: never give backpressure, instead drop the current packet we are loading.
packetFifoC ::
(dom :: Domain)
(dataWidth :: Nat)
(meta :: Type)
(contentSizeBits :: Nat)
(metaSizeBits :: Nat).
(contentDepth :: Nat)
(metaDepth :: Nat).
(HiddenClockResetEnable dom) =>
(KnownNat dataWidth) =>
(1 <= contentSizeBits) =>
(1 <= metaSizeBits) =>
(1 <= contentDepth) =>
(1 <= metaDepth) =>
(NFDataX meta) =>
-- | The FIFO can store @2^contentSizeBits@ transfers
SNat contentSizeBits ->
-- | The FIFO can store @2^metaSizeBits@ packets
SNat metaSizeBits ->
-- | Specifies the behaviour of the FIFO when it is full
-- | The content FIFO will contain @2^contentDepth@ entries.
SNat contentDepth ->
-- | The metadata FIFO will contain @2^metaDepth@ entries.
SNat metaDepth ->
-- | The backpressure behaviour of the FIFO when it is full.
FullMode ->
Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta) (PacketStream dom dataWidth meta)
packetFifoC cSizeBits mSizeBits mode = case mode of
Backpressure ->
|> fromSignals (packetFifoImpl cSizeBits mSizeBits)
Drop ->
|> unsafeAbortOnBackpressureC
|> forceResetSanity
|> fromSignals (packetFifoImpl cSizeBits mSizeBits)
packetFifoC cSize@SNat mSize@SNat fullMode =
ckt (fwdIn, bwdIn) = (bwdOut, fwdOut)
ramContent =
(SNat @(2 ^ contentDepth))
(deepErrorX "initial block ram content")
ramMeta =
(SNat @(2 ^ metaDepth))
(deepErrorX "initial block ram meta content")

-- | Specifies the behaviour of `packetFifoC` when it is full.
data FullMode
= -- | Assert backpressure when the FIFO is full.
| -- | Drop new packets when the FIFO is full.
-- The FIFO never asserts backpressure.
(cReadPtr, mReadPtr, cWriteCommand, mWriteCommand, bwdOut, fwdOut) =
(packetFifoT @dataWidth @meta @contentDepth @metaDepth)
(PacketFifoState False False 0 0 0 0 0)
(fwdIn, bwdIn, ramContent, ramMeta)
case fullMode of
Backpressure ->
forceResetSanity |> fromSignals ckt
Drop ->
|> unsafeAbortOnBackpressureC
|> forceResetSanity
|> fromSignals (packetFifoImpl cSize mSize)

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