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Value objects representing HTTP responses

npm i -S response-objects

Requires Node.js 4+

This package is general-purpose, but is particularly useful with koa-detour. Put simply, the idea is to raise the level of abstraction by having routes or resources return objects or throw errors that represent HTTP responses, rather than imperatively doing things like res.write() (or in Koa ctx.body = ...)

// this isn't a complete working example, it just shows the concepts
import Koa from "koa";
import Router from "koa-detour";
import R from "response-objects";

const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router();
router.route("/user/:id", {
  async GET (ctx) {
    if (!areUsersConnected(ctx.userId, {
      // router handles sending this as a 403
      throw R.Forbidden("You are not connected to that user")

    // router handles sending this as a 200
    return R.Ok(await getUser())

Available methods:

R(status, body, headers)
R.Continue(body, headers)
R.SwitchingProtocols(body, headers)
R.Processing(body, headers)
R.OK(body, headers)
R.Created(body, headers)
R.Accepted(body, headers)
R.NonAuthoritativeInformation(body, headers)
R.NoContent(body, headers)
R.ResetContent(body, headers)
R.PartialContent(body, headers)
R.MultiStatus(body, headers)
R.AlreadyReported(body, headers)
R.IMUsed(body, headers)
R.MultipleChoices(body, headers)
R.MovedPermanently(body, headers)
R.Found(body, headers)
R.SeeOther(body, headers)
R.NotModified(body, headers)
R.UseProxy(body, headers)
R.TemporaryRedirect(body, headers)
R.PermanentRedirect(body, headers)
R.BadRequest(body, headers)
R.Unauthorized(body, headers)
R.PaymentRequired(body, headers)
R.Forbidden(body, headers)
R.NotFound(body, headers)
R.MethodNotAllowed(body, headers)
R.NotAcceptable(body, headers)
R.ProxyAuthenticationRequired(body, headers)
R.RequestTimeout(body, headers)
R.Conflict(body, headers)
R.Gone(body, headers)
R.LengthRequired(body, headers)
R.PreconditionFailed(body, headers)
R.PayloadTooLarge(body, headers)
R.URITooLong(body, headers)
R.UnsupportedMediaType(body, headers)
R.RangeNotSatisfiable(body, headers)
R.ExpectationFailed(body, headers)
R.MisdirectedRequest(body, headers)
R.UnprocessableEntity(body, headers)
R.Locked(body, headers)
R.FailedDependency(body, headers)
R.UnorderedCollection(body, headers)
R.UpgradeRequired(body, headers)
R.PreconditionRequired(body, headers)
R.TooManyRequests(body, headers)
R.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(body, headers)
R.UnavailableForLegalReasons(body, headers)
R.InternalServerError(body, headers)
R.NotImplemented(body, headers)
R.BadGateway(body, headers)
R.ServiceUnavailable(body, headers)
R.GatewayTimeout(body, headers)
R.HTTPVersionNotSupported(body, headers)
R.VariantAlsoNegotiates(body, headers)
R.InsufficientStorage(body, headers)
R.LoopDetected(body, headers)
R.BandwidthLimitExceeded(body, headers)
R.NotExtended(body, headers)
R.NetworkAuthenticationRequired(body, headers)


simple value objects representing HTTP responses






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