Yeoman generator to create static websites with Stylus, Jade and CoffeeScript.
npm install -g yo grunt-cli generator-static-website
If you get a permission error, try running npm
with sudo
To create a new website, run
yo static-website MY_WEBSITE
The directory MY_WEBSITE
will be generated.
You can then start coding.
The default CSS engine is Stylus.
However, you can use less css if you wish, by adding
to the yo command:
yo static-website MY_WEBSITE --css=less
The default HTML template engine is Jade.
However, you can use ejs (with layouts) if you wish, by adding
to the yo command:
yo static-website MY_WEBSITE --html=ejs
Lorem Ipsum generator: You can use the lorem ipsum generator as the function
in all Jade/EJS templates:p= lorem({units: 'paragraphs', count: 2})
<%= lorem({units: 'paragraphs', count: 2}) %>