Contributors: claudiosanches
Donate link:
Tags: woocommerce, payment gateway
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 2.2.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Adds MundiPagg gateway to your WooCommerce store
This plugin adds MundiPagg gateway to your WooCommerce store.
This plugin was developed without any incentive from MundiPagg. We developed this plugin based on the MundiPagg official documentation.
Note that this plugin still uses the MundiPagg SOAP service and will be updated to the new REST API when possible.
- WooCommerce 2.3 or later (yes, this includes support for 2.6).
- WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil.
Check our installation guide.
- First of all, make sure if your question has already been answered in our FAQ.
- Still have question? Create a topic in your support forum.
- Found a bug? Report in our GitHub page.
Usually I don't have time to reply support topics, so be patient.
You can contribute to the source code in our GitHub page.
- Integrate with the new MundiPagg REST API.
- Allow payments with multiple credit cards.
- Integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
- Upload plugin files to your plugins folder or install using WordPress built-in "Add New Plugin" installer.
- Activate the plugin.
- A MundiPagg account.
- Installed WooCommerce 2.3 or later (better 2.5).
- Installed the latest version of WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil
- SOAP installed in your server.
- And an SSL certificate and the "Force secure checkout" option enabled.
You need contact MundiPagg to register the return URL:
Kind of obvious... But you need to change
for your domain!
Once the plugin is installed you need to go to "WooCommerce" > "Settings" > "Checkout" > "MundiPagg - Banking Ticket" or "MundiPagg - Credit Card" and check the enable the gateway and fill the options.
Do not forget about the Merchant Key option, required to plugin work and you can find it contacting the MundiPagg.
Now your store is ready to receive payments from MundiPagg.
- This plugin is released under a GPL license.
- WooCommerce version 2.3 or latter installed and active.
- The latest version of WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil installed and active.
- An account on MundiPagg.
- Get your Merchant Key from MundiPagg.
- Set a notification page in MundiPagg.
- SOAP installed in your server.
- An SSL certificate.
- Enabled the "Force secure checkout" option in "WooCommerce" -> "Settings" -> "Checkout".
See more details in the installation guide.
Not yet, but we plan to integrate with the new REST API soon, probably by August 2016...
The order was paid and got the status of "processing" and not as "complete"... There's something wrong?
Nop! In fact, this means that the plugin is working like expected.
All payment gateways in Woocommerce should change order status to "processing" when an order is paid and never change to "complete", because you should use the "complete" status just only after shipped your order.
If you are working with downloadable products you should turn on the "Grant access to downloadable products after payment" option in "WooCommerce" > "Settings" > "Products" > "Downloadable Products" page.
Turn on the "Debug Log" option, try make a payment again, then get your log file and paste the content in and start a support forum topic with your pastebin link.
- Change plugin's name from "WooCommerce MundiPagg" to "Claudio Sanches - MundiPagg for WooCommerce".
- Included "OK" into IPN response (thanks to J. Roque Junior).
- Added alert about SSL requirements on the transaction environment.
- Add support for WooCommerce 2.4 and 2.5.
- First public version.
- Change plugin's name from "WooCommerce MundiPagg" to "Claudio Sanches - MundiPagg for WooCommerce".