This repository contains a smart contract which implements an incremental merkle tree based on poseidon hash.
THe contract uses a table, called filledTrees which stores all the latest left values of each level. Here is how it works with a simple example:
npm i
This command compiles IncrementalMerkleTree.sol as well as the contract that implements the poseidon hash function which is built using circomlibjs.
npm run compile
Run all tests:
npm run test
Run unit tests:
npm run test:unit
Run integration tests:
npm run test:integration
Create a .env
file with your infura API KEY as well as the private key of an account that has some ETH on
You'll also need to provide the number of level of your merkle tree (the maximum number of values in the merkle tree will be
2^NUMBER_OF_LEVEL), as well as the number of historical root that the contract will store simultaneously.
Then, run the deployment script:
npm run deploy
The contracts addresses will be printed in the console. Then, you can interact with the deployed contract using the script
. You'll need to replace CONTRACT_ADDRESS
with the address of your freshly deployed
merkle tree contract.
The solidity function isKnownRoot
can do up to 2^32 iterations while looking for the root, which isn't great.