Simple RefineryCMS extension for creating download pages and sending leads to Salesforce.
Snoods provides a basic form for embedding on lead generation/download pages. The prospect surrenders an email address for access to a download like a white paper or video. Prospect information is saved in a table called Snoods and is sent to Salesforce using Salesforce's web-to-lead process (Salesforce account required). The link is sent from Salesforce, where you can also automate various processes to manage the lead over its lifetime.
This version of refinerycms-snoods
supports Refinery 3.x and Rails 4.1.x.
- Refinery CMS version 3.0.0 or above.
- Figaro gem recommended for configuration
Open up your Gemfile
and add at the bottom this line:
gem 'refinerycms-snoods', github: 'cleverlemming/refinerycms-snoods', branch: 'master'
Now, run bundle install
Next, to install the snoods plugin run:
rails generate refinery:snoods
Run database migrations:
rake db:migrate
Copy application.example.yml to refinery's root config directory and be sure application.yml is in .gitignore (Figaro gem required). Figaro will add application.yml to .gitignore when you run figaro install.
Run tests from vendor/extensions/snoods. Open up coverage/index.html in a web browser to see test coverage (uses simplecov gem).