The snapper clickbait detector. A framework for detecting clickbait posts using a two-level classification approach. A set of text-based features are extracted and combined for training 65 classifiers. The outputs of these classifiers are used as a second-level feature vector.
- JDK 1.7 or greater
- Python modules
- numpy
- scipy
- SocketServer
- Scikit Learn
- networkx
- mongoDB
The framework performs feature extraction on a new post and then classify it as clickbait or not.
Define variables in src/main/resources/
- resources: path where the resources are stored.
- stopClickbaitPython: path to python script executing the external feature extraction. (/resources/stop_clickbait_paper/
A set of features is extracted using an external framework. Refer to for installation instructions. Replace the with /resources/stop_clickbait_paper/
Initialize parameters
- auth = true or false. Whether to use authentication for connecting to mongoDB. Default value = false;
if auth = true define credentials in file (/src/main/resources)
- mainDB = name of the main database where intermediate data will be stored.
- ProbCollection1stLevel = collection name where the probabilities that form the feature vector for the second level classification are stored.
Main class ClickbaitChallenge in gr.iti.mklab package. Provide command line arguments:
Input arguments:
-i input_path: path of a text file (instances.jsonl) containing the post objects. Post file format (1 line per post):
"id": "608999590243741697",
"postText": ["Some people are such food snobs"],
"postMedia": ["608999590243741697.png"],
"targetTitle": "Some people are such food snobs",
-o output_path: path where a file results.jsonl will be stored containing clickbait scores in the range [0,1], where a value of 1.0 denotes that a post is heavily click baiting. Output file format:
{"id": "608999590243741697", "clickbaitScore": 1.0}
title={A Two-Level Classification Approach for Detecting Clickbait Posts using Text-Based Features},
author={Papadopoulou, Olga and Zampoglou, Markos and Papadopoulos, Symeon and Kompatsiaris, Ioannis},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.08528},
Olga Papadopoulou ([email protected])
Symeon Papadopoulos ([email protected])