VoucherVault is a Django web application that allows you to manage coupons, vouchers and gift cards digitally. It provides a web portal that is mobile friendly and easy to use.
Additionally, it supports expiry notifications via Apprise URLs that will frequently remind you to redeem your stuff. You can also track fractional transactions, which help to understand historical redemptions and reflect the remaining monetary value of an item accurately.
Finally, redeem codes are nicely printed as QR code or EAN13 barcode.
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Once the container is up and running, you can access the web portal at
The default username is admin
. The default password is auto-generated.
You can obtain the auto-generated password via the Docker container logs:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml logs -f
The container runs as low-privileged www-data
user. So you have to adjust the permissions for the persistent database bind mount volume. A command like sudo chown -R www-data:www-data <path-to-volume-data-dir>
should work. Afterwards, please restart the container.
The docker container takes various environment variables:
Variable | Description | Default | Optional/Mandatory |
Your Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address. Used to define ALLOWED_HOSTS and CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS for the Django framework. |
localhost |
Mandatory |
Set to True if you use a reverse proxy with TLS. Enables the secure cookie flag and HSTS HTTP response header, which will only work for SSL/TLS encrypted communication channels (HTTPS). |
False |
Optional |
Defines the days prior item expiry when an Apprise expiry notification should be sent out. | 30 |
Optional |
Defines a fixed secret key for the Django framework. If missing, a secure secret is auto-generated on the server-side each time the container starts. | <auto-generated> |
Optional |
Defines a custom port. Used to set CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS in conjunction with the DOMAIN environment variable for the Django framework. Only necessary, if VoucherVault is operated on a different port than 8000 , 80 or 443 . |
8000 |
Optional |
Defines the Redis instance to use for Django-Celery-Beat task processing. | redis |
Optional |
Notifications are handled by Apprise.
You can define custom Apprise URLs in the user profile settings. The input form takes a single or a comma-separated list of multiple Apprise URLs.
The interval, how often items are checked against a potential expiry, is pre-defined (every Monday at 9AM) in the Django admin area. Here, we are utilizing Django-Celery-Beat + a Redis instance for periodic task execution. If you want to adjust the crontab interval, please head over to the admin area at Periodic Tasks
> Periodic Expiry Check
> Crontab Schedule
> Edit
and adjust to your liking.
An item will trigger an expiry notification if the expiry date is within the number of days defined by the environment variable EXPIRY_THRESHOLD_DAYS
. By default, this threshold is set to 30 days.
VoucherVault is initialized with a default superuser account named admin
and a secure auto-generated password.
This administrative account has full privileges to the Django admin panel, located at /admin
. Therefore, all database model entries can be read and modified by this user. Additionally, new user accounts and groups can be freely created too.
For simplicity, VoucherVault makes use of the default Django authentication scheme for Superusers
and Staff Users
If you create new users on VoucherVault, you must at least assign the Staff status
privilege. This indicates and ensures that the new user account can use the VoucherVault login area at /admin
, although not being a superuser with high privileges.
Support for light and dark theme available!
All application data is stored within an SQLite3 database. The database is persistently stored within a Docker bind mount volume, which is defined in the docker-compose.yml
file. The default location is defined as ./volume-data/database/db.sqlite3
Therefore, by backing up this bind mount volume, all your application data is saved.
Read the official SQLite3 documentation regarding backups.
You can alternatively dump the SQLite database content manually using Django's manage.py
. This may help if something bricks and you have to re-import your application data into a freshly spawned VoucherVault container.
Proceed as follows:
# exec into the vouchervault container
docker exec -it vouchervault bash
# export sqlite3 database tables into outfile
python manage.py dumpdata auth.group > database/backup_db_table_groups.json
python manage.py dumpdata auth.user > database/backup_db_table_users.json
python manage.py dumpdata myapp.item > database/backup_db_table_items.json
python manage.py dumpdata myapp.transaction > database/backup_db_table_transactions.json
# import old backup outfiles into sqlite3
python manage.py loaddata database/backup_db_table_groups.json
python manage.py loaddata database/backup_db_table_users.json
python manage.py loaddata database/backup_db_table_items.json
python manage.py loaddata database/backup_db_table_transactions.json