Test the interaction between typescript and smart contract.
Source file:
1. src/index.ts
2. src/ReduceTransactionPayload.sol
- Smart contracts have no float type.
- A float number can be quantize into an integer by multiplie by 1000, 10000, etc., expanded to an integer with sufficient precision, and then rounded.
- Because each parameter is at least 32 bytes, two floats can be packed into one 32 byte , which can save code bytes and gas.
- The packed one 32-bytes can also save more gas then two 32-bytes when write to chain.
- In this example, do not use uint128 for storage. Although uint128 is enough to store a float data, because the parameter is uint256, direct assignment is more efficient and saves more GAS.
- If you need to operate with float numbers inside the smart contract, you can refer to the event output function 'outputToEvent_ForTest' to shift and get the real data. Then multiply again.
- Complex floating-point logic is best executed off-chain.
- 智能合约没有浮点数。
- 浮点量化成整数,可以乘以一个1000、10000等,扩大到一个足够精度整数,再取整。
- 因为每个参数都最少是32字节,因此将两个 float 量化后,合并成一个 32 字节,可以节约字节码,从而节约GAS。
- 存储时也同样保存合并后的32字节。节约GAS。
- 本例中,存储时不要用 uint128,虽然存储一个float量化数据用uint128就够,但是因为参数是uint256,直接赋值效率更高,也更节约GAS。
- 如果需要在智能合约内部以浮点数操作,可以参照代码中写 Event 函数(outputToEvent_ForTest),把真实数据移位、取出来。然后再以倍数运算。
- 复杂浮点逻辑最好在链外执行。