Presented at WWW'23 [Paper]
See requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)
Go to link for the preprocessed data sets and put them under a "datasets" folder (The original datasets can be found from WCEP and W2E)
For your own dataset, please preprocess the dataset in JSON file with the following columns
- date: the publication date of a document (the default temporal context of summaries)
- sentences: [s1, s2, .., sn] - a list of sentences in a document
- sentence_tokens: [[t1, t2,],[t1,...]] - lists of tokens in each sentence
- sentence_counts: the number of sentences in a document
- Query: the identifier for a document set (e.g., type/category/query)
Refer to PDSum_run_example.ipynb and set the datasets and hyperparameters (default values are given), and run the notebook as instructed.
- dataset = 'Default' (summaries are returned at Default: every unique date (e.g., WCEP) or Custom: at every true summary date (e.g., W2E))
- max_sentences = 1 (the number of sentences in summaries)
- max_tokens = 40 (the number of tokens in summaries)
- batch = 64, epoch= 5, temp = 0.2, lr = 1e-5 (training settings)
- D_in = 1024, D_hidden = 1024, head = 2, dropout = 0 (model settings)
- N = 10 (the number of keywords)
- distill_ratio = 0.5 (the ratio of distilling knowledge from previous documents)
title={PDSum: Prototype-driven Continuous Summarization of Evolving Multi-document Sets Stream},
author={Yoon, Susik and Chan, Hou Pong and Han, Jiawei},
booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023},