The Dockerfile
in this repository builds an alpine:3.7
which lets you run commands inside the container using a UID and GID
which are passed in environment variables from outside the container,
so that any files created in a volume mount can be created as the user
and group who initiated docker run
. It also has openjdk8-gradle
gradle installed.
To download: docker pull cliwrap/gradle
Run latest gradle in current directory:
docker run --rm -e "HOSTUID=`id -u`" -v "`pwd`:/work" -v "$HOME:/home/hostuser" cliwrap/gradle /opt/gradle/bin/gradle build
Use an older version like Gradle 2.14:
docker run --rm -e "HOSTUID=`id -u`" -v "`pwd`:/work" -v "$HOME:/home/hostuser" cliwrap/gradle:2.14 /opt/gradle/bin/gradle build
Create a specific gradle wrapper version in the current directory:
rm -f tmpcidfile
docker run --cidfile=tmpcidfile -e "HOSTUID=`id -u`" \
cliwrap/gradle \
sh -c "mkdir wrap; cd wrap; \
/opt/gradle/bin/gradle wrapper --gradle-version=2.14"
docker cp `cat tmpcidfile`:/home/hostuser/wrap .
mv wrap/* .
rm -rf wrap tmpcidfile