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PowerShell 7.0 SDK for CloudEvents based on .NET SDK for CloudEvents

Official CloudEvents SDK to integrate your application with CloudEvents.


Supported CloudEvents versions:

  • v1.0

Supported Protocols:

  • HTTP

CloudEvents.Sdk Module

The module contains functions to

  • Create CloudEvent objects
  • Add data to a CloudEvent object
  • Read data from a CloudEvent object
  • Convert a CloudEvent object to an HTTP Message
  • Convert an HTTP Message to a CloudEvent object

Install CloudEvents.Sdk Module


Install-Module CloudEvents.Sdk
Import-Module CloudEvents.Sdk
Get-Command -Module CloudEvents.Sdk

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        ConvertFrom-HttpMessage                            0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        ConvertTo-HttpMessage                              0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        New-CloudEvent                                     0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        Read-CloudEventData                                0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        Read-CloudEventJsonData                            0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        Read-CloudEventXmlData                             0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        Set-CloudEventData                                 0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        Set-CloudEventJsonData                             0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk
Function        Set-CloudEventXmlData                              0.3.0      CloudEvents.Sdk

Using CloudEvents.Sdk Module

1. Event Producer

Create a CloudEvent object

$cloudEvent = New-CloudEvent -Type 'com.example.object.deleted.v2' -Source 'mailto:[email protected]' -Id (New-Guid).Guid -Time (Get-Date)

Set JSON Data to a CloudEvent object

$cloudEvent | Set-CloudEventJsonData -Data @{
    'Foo' = 'Hello'
    'Bar' = 'World'

DataContentType : application/json
Data            : {
                    "Bar": "World",
                    "Foo": "Hello"
Id              : ac9b12d9-ae45-4654-a4d7-42bbf0d9816d
DataSchema      :
Source          :
SpecVersion     : V1_0
Subject         :
Time            : 4/26/2021 9:00:45 AM
Type            : com.example.object.deleted.v2

Set XML Data to a CloudEvent object

$cloudEvent | Set-CloudEventXmlData -Data @{
    'xml' = @{
        'Foo' = 'Hello'
        'Bar' = 'World'
} `
-AttributesKeysInElementAttributes $true

DataContentType : application/xml
Data            : <xml><Bar>World</Bar><Foo>Hello</Foo></xml>
Id              : ac9b12d9-ae45-4654-a4d7-42bbf0d9816d
DataSchema      :
Source          :
SpecVersion     : V1_0
Subject         :
Time            : 4/26/2021 9:00:45 AM
Type            : com.example.object.deleted.v2

Set Custom Format Data to a CloudEvent object

$cloudEvent | Set-CloudEventData -DataContentType 'application/text' -Data 'Hello World!'

DataContentType : application/text
Data            : Hello World!
Id              : b1b748cd-e98d-4f5f-80ea-76dea71a53a5
DataSchema      :
Source          :
SpecVersion     : V1_0
Subject         :
Time            : 4/27/2021 7:00:44 PM
Type            : com.example.object.deleted.v2

Convert a CloudEvent object to an HTTP message in Binary or Structured content mode

# Format structured cloud event HTTP message
$cloudEventStructuredHttpMessage = $cloudEvent | ConvertTo-HttpMessage -ContentMode Structured

Send CloudEvent object to HTTP server

Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Uri 'http://my.cloudevents.server/' -Headers $cloudEventStructuredHttpMessage.Headers -Body $cloudEventStructuredHttpMessage.Body

2. Event Consumer

Convert an HTTP message to a CloudEvent object

$cloudEvent = ConvertFrom-HttpMessage -Headers <headers> -Body <body>

Read CloudEvent JSON Data as a PowerShell Hashtable

Read-CloudEventJsonData -CloudEvent $cloudEvent

Name                           Value
----                           -----
Foo                            Hello
Bar                            World

Read CloudEvent XML Data as a PowerShell Hashtable

Read-CloudEventXmlData -CloudEvent $cloudEvent -ConvertMode SkipAttributes

Name                           Value
----                           -----
xml                            {Bar, Foo}

The ConvertMode parameter specifies how the xml should be converted to a PowerShell Hashtable. SkipAttributes mode skips reading the xml attributes. There are three different modes of conversion. For more details check the help of the Read-CloudEventXmlData cmdlet.

Read CloudEvent Custom Format Data as a byte[]

Read-CloudEventData -CloudEvent $cloudEvent



Each SDK may have its own unique processes, tooling and guidelines, common governance related material can be found in the CloudEvents community directory. In particular, in there you will find information concerning how SDK projects are managed, guidelines for how PR reviews and approval, and our Code of Conduct information.

If there is a security concern with one of the CloudEvents specifications, or with one of the project's SDKs, please send an email to [email protected].

Additional SDK Resources