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released this 26 Sep 17:03

This release adds locking during restore, and declarative order of locking for backups and restores.



extract builders and command from main.go
Still to refactor: exit errors and trapping SIGINT

Implement restore lock and unlock ordering

Use latest version of fixture

Refactoring kahn_lock_orderer

Adding restore_should_be_locked_before and renaming should_be_locked_before

Revert "Revert "Revert YAML format change for metadata""
This reverts commit 06bd74a.

Use latest fixture

Rename lifecycle_with_locking_order to have _test suffix

Update deploy-systest-release to take RELEASE_NAME

Fix navigation between releases in deploy-systest-releases script

Add bbr repo as input to deploy-systest-releases task

Add deploy-systest-releases task and script

Use latest fixture

Revert "Revert YAML format change for metadata"
This reverts commit 7f544c5.

Merge branch 'master' of

Include restore-cleanup subcommand in cli help text

Update post-restore-unlock-step to use the post unlock error

Add more test cases to the DeployedInstance tests

Improve error messages in JobFinder

Use eventually to prevent race conditions when untar backup artifact

Add restore-cleanup recommendation to ctrl-c confirmation

Cleanup the deployment in AfterEach
Uncomment changes to suite and focus that were accidentally committed

Add restore cleanup for director

Add restore-cleanup for deployment

Fix tests

Unfocus tests

Fix the instance identifier in StreamFromRemote logs

Don't try to upload or download artifacts that don't exist

Re-generate FakeInstance

Make code lines shorter so you can read them