A payment service provider (PSP) offers shops online services for accepting electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, bank-based payments such as direct debit, bank transfer, and real-time bank transfer based on online banking. Typically, they use a software as a service model and form a single payment gateway for their clients (merchants) to multiple payment methods. read more
npm install cloudipsp-node-js-sdk
git clone -b master https://github.com/cloudipsp/node-js-sdk.git
node >= 7
const CloudIpsp = require('cloudipsp-node-js-sdk')
const fondy = new CloudIpsp(
merchantId: 1396424,
secretKey: 'test'
const requestData = {
order_id: 'Your Order Id',
order_desc: 'test order',
currency: 'USD',
amount: '1000'
fondy.Checkout(requestData).then(data => {
}).catch((error) => {
must be string.
const merchant_data = JSON.stringify([{
email: '[email protected]',
comment: 'Some comment'
See docs