- Press and release the Reset button.
- Continue holding the Boot button until you see the RPI-RP2 drive appear on your computer.
- You can now release the Boot button.
- Download factory reset firmware into or put it into the drive that appeared.
- Side note: if your board is str8 messed beyond your fancy... Download this firmware instead to nuke the stuff out of its Flash.
Installing CircuitPython (again recommended, but if you have better firmware or a legit board, this step is not required.)
- Download the firmware into or put it into the drive that appears with fresh firmware.
- Wait for its epic uf2 magic to finish ;)
- This step is optional but it may be what you need, unplug that and replug that simple as it is.
One way is to Navigate to the drive's directory once your device is not in bootloading mode in your shell and git clone this repo;
git clone https://github.com/cloudirector/YD-RP2040_Testing
You can also just Download the repo and extract to the drive.
Click Button Once to start a session.
Once in Session the light should be blinking.
Click and hold on the blue first module, hold on the blank second module.
The first module is a sha265 benchmark and the second one is just rubberducky