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Zefir edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 11 revisions
Permission Command Description Recommended group
bank.command bank Required to use any bank command default
bank.balance.self balance List your accounts and check own balance default
bank.transfer.self transfer Transfer money between your accounts default
bank.transfer.other transfer Send money to another player's account default
bank.history transactions List transactions for an account you own default
bank.account.create create Create a new account default
bank.instrument.create instrument Create an instrument (bank card) default
bank.whois whois Get basic information about an account default
bank.baltop baltop See the top balance leaderboard default setname Set the name of an account default
bank.freeze freeze, unfreeze Freeze and unfreeze an account default
bank.delete delete Delete an account default
bank.pos.create pos Create a new POS default
bank.pos.use Buy items from a POS default
bank.invoice.create invoice create Create an invoice default
bank.invoice.view invoice view View an invoice default
bank.invoice.notify Receive automatic notifications/reminders for unpaid invoices default
bank.invoice.send invoice send Send an invoice default
bank.reload reload Reload the plugin admin
bank.balance.other balance List and check others' balances admin
bank.history.other transactions List transactions of accounts owned by another player admin
bank.account.create.other create Create a new account for another player admin
bank.account.create.bypass create Bypass the maximum account limit admin
bank.account.create.vault create Create Vault integration accounts (not recommended) admin
bank.instrument.create.other instrument Create an instrument for account you don't own. Also allows giving cards to other players admin
bank.instrument.create.bypass instrument Bypass the configuration option instruments.require-item admin
bank.set.balance setbalance Set the balance of an account admin setname Set the name of an account owned by another player admin setname Allow renaming Vault accounts (not recommended) admin
bank.freeze.other freeze, unfreeze Freeze an account owned by another player admin
bank.delete.other delete Delete an account owned by another player admin
bank.delete.vault delete Delete Vault integration accounts (not recommended) admin
bank.pos.create.other pos Create a new POS for another player's account admin
bank.pos.create.personal pos Bypass config option pos.allow-personal = false admin
bank.pos.use.other Buy items from a POS without being the card's account owner admin
bank.invoice.create.other invoice create Create an invoice for an account you don't own admin
bank.invoice.view.other invoice view View an invoice you did not create or receive admin invoice pay Pay an invoice not sent to you admin invoice pay Pay an invoice using an account you don't own admin
bank.invoice.send.other invoice sed Send an invoice for which you are not the seller admin
bank.notify-update Get notified when a new version of the plugin is available admin
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