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berlin-mob-atlantis a# berlin-mob-atlantis This repo is to showcase the usage of Atlantis with a simple terraform project

Set up environment

Create a bucket for S3 backend

export BUCKET_NAME=berlin-mob-atlantis

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-central-1
    "Location": ""

Plan and apply

cd src
terraform init -backend-config=env/sandbox.backend.tfvars  \
        -backend=true \

terraform apply

Verify provisioned resource

aws iam get-policy --policy-arn $(terraform output -raw policy_arn)

Test Atlantis locally with this repo

  1. Download atlantis or your version here
  2. unzip the content and move it to your path
cp ~/Downloads/atlantis /usr/local/bin/
atlantis version
# atlantis 0.18.2
  1. intall ngrok and start a socket on port 4141

    brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok
    ngrok http 4141
  2. Get your ngrok address ngrok

  3. Set Env Variables for your ngrok

    URL="https://<YOUR HOSTNAME>"
    # e.g URL=
    #a random string
    SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 12)
  4. add a webhook to this repo, under Settings --> Hooks --> Add Webhook

    • Payload URL = <URL>/events (e.g. )
    • contentType = application/json
    • Secret = <SECRET>
    • check the boxes
      • Pull request reviews
      • Pushes
      • Issue comments
      • Pull requests
    • leave Active checked
    • click Add webhook
  5. add a token for atlantis in your repo:

    • in Github go to your profile icon, --> Settings --> Developer Settings --> Personal Access Token --> Generate new token
    • Note: Atlantis
    • select: repo only
    • Generate Token
  6. Export the token in a variable

    TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN> # eb4b6b1883b4f00f85378d34a8018ab60cf025d6
  7. move to this repo folder

    cd berlin-mob-atlantis
  8. Start Atlantis

    atlantis server \
                --atlantis-url="$URL" \
                --gh-user="$USERNAME" \
                --gh-token="$TOKEN" \
                --gh-webhook-secret="$SECRET" \
                --gh-hostname="$HOSTNAME" \
                --repo-allowlist="$REPO_ALLOWLIST" \ 

    and accept incoming connections

Further info

Deploy atlantis on AWS Fargate

To deploy atlantis in sandbox account, we make use of the official atlantis module for terraform provided by AWS, with the approach "As a part of an existing AWS infrastructure"

In "infra/" you will see how it is used, providing

  • vpc_id, private subnets (app-subnets), and public subnets
  • the route53 HZ in use to validate the certificate attached to the ALB
  • github user and token in use for this atlantis poc, stored in SecretsManager with id "atlantisGithubCreds"; # we can remove the secret and store the token in SSM Parameter /atlantis/github/user/token or another param in SSM, whose name can be provided to the module with atlantis_github_user_token_ssm_parameter_name


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