berlin-mob-atlantis a# berlin-mob-atlantis This repo is to showcase the usage of Atlantis with a simple terraform project
export BUCKET_NAME=berlin-mob-atlantis
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-central-1
"Location": ""
cd src
terraform init -backend-config=env/sandbox.backend.tfvars \
-backend=true \
terraform apply
aws iam get-policy --policy-arn $(terraform output -raw policy_arn)
- Download atlantis or your version here
- unzip the content and move it to your path
cp ~/Downloads/atlantis /usr/local/bin/
atlantis version
# atlantis 0.18.2
intall ngrok and start a socket on port 4141
brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok ngrok http 4141
Set Env Variables for your ngrok
URL="https://<YOUR HOSTNAME>" # e.g URL= #a random string SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 12)
add a webhook to this repo, under Settings --> Hooks --> Add Webhook
- Payload URL = <URL>/events (e.g. )
- contentType = application/json
- Secret = <SECRET>
- check the boxes
Pull request reviews
Issue comments
Pull requests
- leave Active checked
- click Add webhook
add a token for atlantis in your repo:
- in Github go to your profile icon, --> Settings --> Developer Settings --> Personal Access Token --> Generate new token
- Note:
- select:
only - Generate Token
Export the token in a variable
TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN> # eb4b6b1883b4f00f85378d34a8018ab60cf025d6
move to this repo folder
cd berlin-mob-atlantis
Start Atlantis
USERNAME=<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME> REPO_ALLOWLIST="${HOSTNAME}/cloudreach/berlin-mob-atlantis" atlantis server \ --atlantis-url="$URL" \ --gh-user="$USERNAME" \ --gh-token="$TOKEN" \ --gh-webhook-secret="$SECRET" \ --gh-hostname="$HOSTNAME" \ --repo-allowlist="$REPO_ALLOWLIST" \ --log-level=debug
and accept incoming connections
Further info
To deploy atlantis in sandbox account, we make use of the official atlantis module for terraform provided by AWS, with the approach "As a part of an existing AWS infrastructure"
In "infra/" you will see how it is used, providing
- vpc_id, private subnets (app-subnets), and public subnets
- the route53 HZ in use to validate the certificate attached to the ALB
- github user and token in use for this atlantis poc, stored in SecretsManager with id "atlantisGithubCreds"; # we can remove the secret and store the token in SSM Parameter /atlantis/github/user/token or another param in SSM, whose name can be provided to the module with