This is the Alexa Skill for Amazon Echo with as following features.
- Learning Korean - translation and quiz from English to Korean
- K-POP Music - lyrics and playing songs of KPOP chart information
- My Favorite Music - emotion based user based recommendation based on pre-defined set for emotion based
- Collaborative filtering, recent and popular playlist
It used AWS Lambda, Google Translate API, Naver Text to Speech API, Melon API and ffmpeg technology.
You can ask as following questions.
- Alexa, Translate XXX into Korean
- Alexa, I want to know popular K-POP songs
- Alexa, Play nth song in the chart
- Alexa, Let me know other song of nth artist
- Alexa, I feel sad
- Alexa, Recommend me any song
- Alexa, Give me n Korean quizzes
- Alexa, Tell me the lyrics of nth song
We improved some of performances
- Latency in API calls: Reduce calls, Dummy worker, Caching
- Lambda Initialization: User library tuning to Amazon Linux
- Lambda Execution: efficient code, MP3 caching and using Redis – In-memory Cache
N: Naver, G: Google