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Meeting Notes 6 9 2017

Richard Hightower edited this page Jun 9, 2017 · 2 revisions
  • CI/CD pipe – programming challenge
  • Jenkins CI/CD
  • Capstone project
  • Accreditation Certification Platform
  • Hands On Labs
  • Actually implementing something
  • How to / when to apply
  • Most background of students: Run ETL and dump it somewhere. Most have worked with a database and are SW engineer but maybe not data engineers.
  • Primer. Buy in. Identify prereqs. Lab setup. Create prereq work
  • Background in programming, working with a database (all should have)


  1. For the curriculum, what is the working relationship between the Data team and Cloudurable? Do we have the ability to review their work in an iterative fashion?
  • Private github repo
  • Rick to send repo.
  • Team to send github users ids.
  1. If the courses are ILT, where does the hands-on component live? Within the course itself or after the class is over as self-paced? Instructor led training Hands-ons 50% or more Standalone contextualize it, but then generate data

  2. Can Carrie’s team work with us to tailor the hands-on component for exec ed for our needs? Can we then tailor it further?

Carrie is a Director at C1, streaming data focus. They did write a streaming data POC. Real-time data quality checks. Checking data-hashes. Databricks platform. Rick asked for more info on this. This might be good for first session notebook.

  1. If not, is the Data Games 2.0 code/data an opportunity?

Data games simulated data science event. Build Python Fraud monitoring. Catching thing like fraudulent transactions. Test data set. Not all card focus.

Financial services group in Plano. Auto finance. Home finance. July 5th and 11th hackathon. Good data set. Home loans. Auto loans.

  1. Where does development live?  e.g., user’s machine, AWS ECR/ECS, etc.

Prefer to use Docker/VMs for labs as fallbacks. Make setup as part of prereq. Have AWS as an option (if time).

  1. Does everyone need Lock Level Zero? Local admin rights. Most have. VM for the class to mitigate some setup problems.

  2. What will test data look like?  Where will it come from?  (relevant, scrubbed prod data a la Data Games?)


  1. How much setup/configuration do we want them to focus on vs. straight up pub/sub

Most prereq. Try to keep setup to a minimum. Employ pre-class setup and VMs with full setup already done.