Workshop at Node Interactive North America 2016
Ross Kukulinski and Nathan White
As companies look to build out their next-generation architectures, Node.js and containerization are emerging as two major components for powering rapid technical innovation. In this technical workshop, we will show you how to get started with Node.js, Docker and Kubernetes and cover the pitfalls that often occur when starting and how to avoid them. Most of this workshop will be a live demonstration as we dockerize a Node.js application, deploy to Kubernetes, and scale to handle a large amount of traffic.
Workshop Slides - TBD
Workshop Screencast - TBD
- Welcome & Introductions
- Installing minikube & kubectl
- Kubernetes Overview
- Cloudy Time Machine (CTM) Overview
- Deploy CTM to minikube / Kubernetes
minikube start
minikube stop
minikube service <servicename>
minikube dashboard
minikube ip
minikube docker-env
minikube logs
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config use-context minikube
kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe node <nodeid>
kubectl get pods
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl -n kube-system get pods
kubectl -n kube-system get services
kubectl -n kube-system get svc
kubectl -n kube-system describe svc kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl run -i -t busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never
The CTM frontend application can run standalone, so let's start with that.
kubectl run frontend --image-pull-policy=IfNotPresent
kubectl get pods
kubectl get events --watch
kubectl describe pod <pod id>
kubectl port-forward <pod id> 3000:80
curl localhost:3000
kubectl exec -ti <frontend pod> /bin/sh
vi index.html
curl localhost:3000
kubectl expose deployment frontend --port=80 --target-port=3000 --name=frontend
kubectl describe svc frontend
kubectl scale deployment/frontend --replicas=2
kubectl describe svc frontend
kubectl edit pod <frontend pod>
# Edit label to remove from the pool
kubectl get pods
kubectl edit svc/frontend
# Change to type: NodePort
minikube service frontend
kubectl delete deployment/frontend svc/frontend
kubectl delete pod <frontend pod>
atom deploy/frontend.yml
kubectl create -f deploy/frontend.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
API Service depends on Redis and RethinkDB, so lets create them first.
atom deploy/redis.yml
kubectl create -f deploy/redis.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl port-forward <redis pod> 6379:6379
Kubectl can also create from URL (Similar to curl | bash
kubectl create -f
kubectl get pods --watch
minikube service rethinkdb-admin
atom deploy/api.yml
kubectl create -f deploy/api.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
kubectl logs <api pod> --tail=10 -f
kubectl logs <api pod> --tail=10 -f | bunyan
atom deploy/gateway.yml
kubectl create -f deploy/gateway.yml
kubectl get configmap
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe svc gateway
minikube service gateway
Navigate to /api/snapshots --> See empty array
Request snapshot for, gets queued in Redis
atom deploy/worker-screenshot.yml
kubectl create -f deploy/worker-screenshot.yml
kubetctl get pods --watch
kubectl logs <worker pod> -f | bunyan
Request additional snapshots, see the queue size increase
kubectl scale deployment/worker-screenshot --replicas=3
kubectl get pods --watch
kubectl delete namespace default --cascade=true
kubectl create -f deploy/all-in-one.yml