These plays are defined for clean Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS vanilla installations.
- Master node: Raspberry Pi 4 4GB
- Worker node: Raspberry Pi 3B+ 1GB
Run the following commands to configure public key authentication for the nodes.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "admin"
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <host_address>
Can be used once the base configuration is complete.
Host master01
Hostname <host_address>
User k8s
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/admin
PreferredAuthentications publickey
Host worker01
Hostname <host_address>
User k8s
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/admin
PreferredAuthentications publickey
ansible all -m ping
Optional: Dry run with --check --diff
to see what will change.
Note: In subsequent runs the ubuntu user is disabled and the hostnames are changed.
ansible-playbook base_config.yaml --diff -u ubuntu --ask-vault-pass -e @secrets.yaml
- Create a file secrets.yaml
k8s_admin_password: "<your password>"
- (Optional): Create a vault.pass file to store the vault password.
- (Optional): Encrypt with
ansible-vault encrypt secrets.yaml
ansible-vault view secrets.yaml
Use k8s user with sudo for bootstrapping.
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yaml --check --diff -u k8s -K