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Releases: cmdf/extra-cs

Run C# command from console.

22 Sep 09:05
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Run C# command from console.

  1. Download exe file.
  2. Copy to C:\Program_Files\Scripts.
  3. Add C:\Program_Files\Scripts to PATH environment variable.
ecs [-r <references>] [-a <arguments>] [-i <input source file>]... [-c / -s / -f] <code>
:: -r : Add necessary references (e.g. -r System.Data.dll)
::      (System.dll, System.Core.dll and Microsoft.CSharp.dll are included by default)
:: -a : Arguments to pass to Main() function (e.g. -a (10 2))
::      (must be enclosed using paranthesis)
:: -i : Specify an input source file (e.g. -i Program.cs)
::      (atleast one of the input files must have a Main(), or nothing will be executed)
:: -c : Specify entire source code to be executed as parameters
::      (e.g. -c using System; namespace test { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!") } } })
:: -s : Specify a statement to be executed as parameters
::      (e.g. -s Console.WriteLine("Hello Statement!");)
:: -f : Specify a function to be executed as parameters (this is default option)
::      (e.g. -f DateTime.Now)
:: Get Date and Time
ecs DateTime.Now
: 28/2/2016 10:26:31 PM

:: Linux-like Clear Screen
ecs -s Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop+24); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop-23);
: (screen cleared)

:: Message Box
ecs -r System.Windows.Forms.dll -s System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Something Happened!", "Close")
: (a message box appears)


References: compiling and running code at runtime.