# Using venv
python3 -m venv ~/ansible-molecule
source ~/ansible molecule/bin/activate
# Install python modules
pip3 install --upgrade --user pip
pip3 install --upgrade --user python-vagrant
pip3 install --upgrade --user ansible "molecule[docker]" "molecule[podman]"
pip3 install --upgrade --user molecule-libvirt python-vagrant
molecule init template \
--url https://github.com/cmihai-ansible/cookiecutter-role.git \
--role-name myrole
cd roles/myrole
molecule test
Install the libvirt driver for vagrant:
sudo yum install https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.2.6/vagrant_2.2.6_x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install libvirt-devel ruby-devel gcc
# Build vagrant-libvirt
export CONFIGURE_ARGS='with-ldflags=-L/opt/vagrant/embedded/lib with-libvirt-include=/usr/include/libvirt with-libvirt-lib=/usr/lib'
export GEM_HOME=~/.vagrant.d/gems GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems
export PATH=/opt/vagrant/embedded/bin:$PATH
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
Use KVM:
molecule -s kvm create
molecule -s kvm login
vagrant global-status
vagrant destroy ID
molecule -s podman test
On CentOS 8, you need to enable CR to obtain podman 1.4.2.
- Add support for non x86-64 platforms (ex: ARM)
- Platform support: Fedora 29-31, Ubuntu 18.04+, Amazon Linux
- Support for packer and building images and containers
- Support for vagrant
- firewalld service must be up
- no pool images must be defined. Use
virsh pool-list --all
as user and root! - use
sudo virsh pool-undefine images
To define your pools use:
virsh pool-list
virsh pool-define /dev/stdin <<EOF
<pool type='dir'>
virsh pool-start default
virsh pool-autostart default