v0.7.1 (2022-04-22)
Merged pull requests:
v0.7.0 (2022-04-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Patreon support badge #348 (seglo)
- Add scalafmt plugin #347 (seglo)
- Minikube integration tests #346 (seglo)
- Remove references to seanglover.com #345 (seglo)
- Move image pull secrets to pod spec #344 (seglo)
- Update mockito-scala to 1.17.5 #343 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.9 #342 (scala-steward)
- Configurable log pattern, force checksum usage, support PrometheusRules thru config #341 (seglo)
- Documentation of the "sinks" config required to activate reporters #340 (julien-lafont)
- General cleanup 2022 #338 (seglo)
- GitHub Actions CI #337 (seglo)
- Update kafka lag exporter for IAM Auth #336 (the-cybersapien)
- Update akka-actor, ... to 2.6.19 #334 (scala-steward)
- Adding metricRelabelings and relabelings options #332 (guillaume-roland-cd)
- Update logback-classic to 1.2.11 #328 (scala-steward)
- Update akka-http to 10.2.9 #327 (scala-steward)
- Add extra labels for pods and deployment #326 (ThiagoSilvaSilveira)
- fix: rbac versioning #325 (saminahbab)
- Update sbt-header to 5.6.5 #320 (scala-steward)
- Update simpleclient, simpleclient_hotspot, ... to 0.15.0 #319 (scala-steward)
- Added envFrom config options (configMapRef | secretRef) #318 (judomu)
- Update helm repo #315 (seglo)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.11 #313 (scala-steward)
- Update mockito-scala to 1.16.55 #311 (scala-steward)
- Update influxdb, kafka to 1.16.3 #310 (scala-steward)
- Use Java 17 inside Docker image #297 (slachiewicz)
- Update akka-stream-alpakka-influxdb to 3.0.4 #289 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.8.1 #284 (scala-steward)
v0.6.8 (2021-11-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix deployment #283 (seglo)
- 0.6.8 release prep #282 (seglo)
- 0.6.8 release prep #281 (seglo)
- Add authorizer-properties to sample ACL command #275 (seglo)
- Drop sbt-bintray #273 (seglo)
- Axual/add configurable options #268 (daniel-axual)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.10 #261 (scala-steward)
- Update scala-library to 2.12.15 #260 (scala-steward)
- Common usecase for a servicemonitor is to add additional labels to it… #258 (ryan-dyer-sp)
- Update simpleclient, simpleclient_hotspot, ... to 0.12.0 #257 (scala-steward)
- Update akka-stream-alpakka-influxdb to 3.0.3 #253 (scala-steward)
- feat: add support for different reporters in Helm chart #246 (RoVernekar)
- Use kafka_consumergroup_poll_time_ms metric as healthcheck #231 (toshyak)
- support adding annotations to created service account #227 (uishon)
- Update influxdb, kafka to 1.15.3 #226 (scala-steward)
- Update scala-java8-compat to 0.9.1 #218 (scala-steward)
- Update mockito-scala to 1.0.10 #216 (scala-steward)
- Update kafka to 2.5.1 #214 (scala-steward)
- Update kubernetes-client, ... to 4.9.2 #212 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-header to 5.6.0 #211 (scala-steward)
- Update akka-stream-kafka-testkit to 2.0.7 #209 (scala-steward)
- Update akka-http to 10.1.14 #208 (scala-steward)
- Update typesafe:config to 1.3.4 #206 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-release to 1.0.13 #204 (scala-steward)
For new change log entries see CHANGELOG.md
- A lot up minor updates and version library bumps
- Send globalClusterLabels as tags in InfluxDBSink #200 (@lukaszkrawiec)
- Add support for Consumer Group blacklisting #184 (@Manicben)
- Add release steps to serve Helm Charts Repository on Github Pages #183 (@akozich)
- Upgrade sbt from 1.2.6 to 1.4.3 to improve the metals support #178 (@robsonpeixoto)
- Automatically roll Deployment when ConfigMap change #176 (@robsonpeixoto)
- Support multiple instances and extra labels for service monitor #171 (@ryan-dyer-sp)
- Ability to extend and configure desired sink to report lag metrics, adding support to push lag metrics into InfluxDB as well #157 (@hariprasad-k)
- Use
docker base layer #168 (@killuazhu)
- Bugfix: Filter Out NaN Values from Aggregate Metrics #158 (@simoncaron)
- Configurable readiness and liveness probes in helm chart #145 (@chelomontilla)
- Swap embedded-kafka for testcontainers #147
- Bugfix: Handle null offset in consumer group offset result #149
- List Permissions required by Kafka Lag Exporter to run against a secured Kafka cluster #152
- Bugfix: Evict all metrics for a cluster on collector stop or failure #154
- Support init containers in helm chart #135 (@terjesannum)
- Support consumer groups for which member information is unavailable #128 (@lilyevsky)
- Update to Apache Kafka 2.5.0. Resolves issue of "Invalid negative offset" for uninitizalized consumer groups #120
- Graphite support #105 (@yazgoo)
- Add Metadata poll timer metric
#105 (@anbarasantr) - Bugfix: Bypass prediction when consumer group is caught up. Reported in #111 (@rkrage).
- Publish Java App Packaging for non-Docker envs #119
- Add kafka topic blacklist #90 (@drrzmr)
- Add metric to represent a consumer group's total offset lag per topic #93 (@dylanmei)
- Support specifying image digest and container securityContext #95 (@terjesannum)
- Allow mounting extra configmaps in pod #94 (@terjesannum)
- Bugfix: Fixed pod annotations support in helm chart #91 (@terjesannum)
- Bugfix: Global label values #82 (@anbarasantr)
- Prometheus Operator Service Operator support #85 (@abhishekjiitr)
- Added kafka_partition_earliest_offset metric for determining the volume of offsets stored in Kafka. #86 (@graphex)
- Bugfix: Accidentally released with local repo.
- Bugfix: Fix Helm Chart: Whitespace in Deployment.yaml #77 (@abhishekjiitr)
- Bugfix: Revert cluster labels (see discussion in #78) #79
- Implement consumer group whitelist #75
- Allow whitelisting Kafka topics #65 (@NeQuissimus)
- Omit service account generation when not using strimzi #64 (@khorshuheng)
- Adding support to control which prometheus metrics to expose #62 (@khorshuheng)
- Adds custom labels for every cluster #61 (@anbarasantr)
- Adding support for custom annotations on pods #59 (@WarpRat)
- Allow Helm to quote Kafka client property values when necessary #58
- Bugfix: Get commit offset for correct group topic partitions #56
- Bugfix: Report NaN for group offset, lag, and time lag when no group offset returned. #50
- Support arbitrary kafka client configuration. #48
- Use ConfigMap to provide app and logging config. #47
- Bugfix: Use lag offsets metric in lag offsets panel Grafana dashboard. #39 (@msravan)
- Update chart defaults to match app defaults. Poll interval: 30s, Lookup table size: 60.
- Bugfix: Check for missing group topic partitions after collecting all group offsets. Regression bugfix. #30
- Make simple polling logging
log level. AddedDEBUG
logging to show all offsets collected per poll for troubleshooting.
- Remove labels
from group topic partition metrics - Document metric endpoint filtering #24
- Document standalone deployment mode #22
- Evict metrics from endpoint when they're no longer tracked by Kafka #25
- Support clusters with TLS and SASL #21
- Open Sourced! 🎆 #17
- Add Integration tests using Embedded Kafka #11
- Replace lag in time implementation with interpolation table implementation #5
- Removed
. See thespark-committer
GitHub project to commit offsets in Spark Structured Streaming back to Kafka. #9 - Implement backoff strategy for Kafka connections in Kafka Lag Exporter #6
- Travis build #7
- Update docs #14
- Update Grafana dashboard
- Licensing headers
- Script release process
- Add
config. - Tune retry and timeout logic of Kafka admin client and consumer
- Use backoff strategy restarting offset collection logic when transient runtime exceptions are encountered
- Terminate when Prometheus HTTP server can't start (i.e. port can't be bound)
- Default partition to 0 (instead of omitting it from being reported) when a consumer group returns no offset for a group partition
- Use
for actor path in logging
- Bugfix: Parse
in seconds - Rename metric from
- Use JVM 8 experimental cgroup memory awareness flags when running exporter in container
- Use snakecase for metric label names
- Sample Grafana Dashboard
- Strimzi cluster auto discovery
- Initial release
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator