Codebase for the paper Patched Diffusion Models for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection accepted at MIDL23.
We use the IXI data set, the BraTS21 data set and the MSLUB data set for our experiments. You can download/request the data sets here:
- IXI:
- BraTS21:
Before processing, you need to extract the downloaded zip files and organize them as follows:
├── IXI
│ ├── t2
│ │ ├── IXI1.nii.gz
│ │ ├── IXI2.nii.gz
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
│ ├── t2
│ │ ├── MSLUB1.nii.gz
│ │ ├── MSLUB2.nii.gz
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── seg
│ │ ├── MSLUB1_seg.nii.gz
│ │ ├── MSLUB2_seg.nii.gz
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── Brats21
│ ├── t2
│ │ ├── Brats1.nii.gz
│ │ ├── Brats2.nii.gz
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── seg
│ │ ├── Brats1_seg.nii.gz
│ │ ├── Brats2_seg.nii.gz
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── ...
We apply several preprocessing steps to the data, including resampling to 1.0 mm, skull-stripping with HD-BET, registration to the SRI Atlas, cutting black boarders and N4 Bias correction. To run the preprocessing, you need to clone and setup the HD-BET tool for skull-stripping. For each data set there is an individual bash script that performs the preprocessing in the preprocessing directory. To preprocess the data, go to the preprocessing directory:
cd preprocessing
execute the bash script:
bash <input_dir> <output_dir>
the <input_dir> refers to the directory where the downloaded, raw data is stored.
Note, that you need to provide absolute paths and this script will use a GPU for skull-stripping.
Example for the IXI data set:
bash /raw_data/IXI/ $(pwd)
This will create 4 different folders with the results of the intermediate preprocessing steps. The final scans are located in /processed_data/v4correctedN4_non_iso_cut
After preprocessing, place the data (the folder v4correctedN4_non_iso_cut) in your DATA_DIR.
cp -r <output_dir>/IXI <DATA_DIR>/Train/ixi
cp -r <output_dir>/MSLUB <DATA_DIR>/Test/MSLUB
cp -r <output_dir>/Brats21 <DATA_DIR>/Test/Brats21
The directory structure of <DATA_DIR> should look like this:
├── Train
│ ├── ixi
│ │ ├── mask
│ │ ├── t2
├── Test
│ ├── Brats21
│ │ ├── mask
│ │ ├── t2
│ │ ├── seg
│ ├── MSLUB
│ │ ├── mask
│ │ ├── t2
│ │ ├── seg
├── splits
│ ├── Brats21_test.csv
│ ├── Brats21_val.csv
│ ├── MSLUB_val.csv
│ ├── MSLUB_test.csv
│ ├── IXI_train_fold0.csv
│ ├── IXI_train_fold1.csv
│ └── ...
└── ...
You should then specify the location of <DATA_DIR> in the pc_environment.env file. Additionally, specify the <LOG_DIR>, where runs will be saved.
To download the code type
git clone [email protected]:FinnBehrendt/patched-Diffusion-Models-UAD.git
In your linux terminal and switch directories via
cd patched-Diffusion-Models-UAD
To setup the environment with all required packages and libraries, you need to install anaconda first.
Then, run
conda env create -f environment.yml -n pddpm-uad
and subsequently run
conda activate pddpm-uad
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all required packages.
To run the training and evaluation of the pDDPM, simply execute
python experiment=MIDL23_DDPM/DDPM_patched
in your terminal.
Note that you will need an NVIDIA GPU with sufficient memory (~20GB) to run the experiment.
I have changed the code a bit and this is how it should be run. If you see this notes, then you already have my changes. Will provide two lines explain how to train the model and how to run the evaluation using the saved checkpoint.
(using default settings in configs file)
For evaluation (replace this checkpoint path by the one obtained from your training):
python3 experiment=DDPM_patched load_checkpoint=/lustre/cniel/patched-Diffusion-Models-UAD/checkpoints/epoch-604_step-12705_loss-0.00_fold-1.ckpt onlyEval=True