This tool is used to retrieve logs from a collaborative session stored in the log collector
Before starting, you have to install npm depedency and build the application.
npm install
npm run build
Here are the differents commands of the mute-logs-retriever :
npm start -- command options
command :
download - Retrieve data from a mongo database
stats - Compute statistics on a log file
hello - Say hello to the world !
npm start -- download [-m mongoUrl] [-d database] [-c collection] [-o output]
options :
-c, --collection : Define the target collection - undefined by default
-d, --database : Define the database - muteLogs by default
-h, --help : Display this
-m, --mongo : Define the mongodb url - localhost by default
-o, --output : Define the paht of the ouput file - ~/Downloads/ by default
The file downloaded will be named : mutelogs-{collection}-{date}.json
The download process will add a finalState log, which is the maximum state we should reach. Then an health check is done in order to detect missings operations
npm start -- stats -f filePath
options :
-f, --file : Define the logs file - ./muteLogs.json by default
Before writing the log file, an health check is done. A file is generated with the number of missing local operations, the number of duplicate local operations and the number of healthy local operations (operations with no problems). After that you can find the result, with the list of missing and duplicate operations.