A vapor based time tracking server, part of the learner project.
Please also read the documents in our umbrella learner-project.
Visit the Vapor web framework's documentation for instructions on how to use Vapor.
The project needs the sqlite3
development libraries for the local data storage.
On (Debian/Ubuntu) Linux this can be done with the command: sudo apt install sqlite3
On a mac the it can be installed using either brew: brew install sqlite3
or if you don't want to install HomeBrew on your mac (and you have the command line utilities from Xcode installed), by manually downloading the sqlite sources (pick the "source code as an amalgamation" with the configure scripts), unpacking it on your computer, and running the following commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/opt/sqlite
sudo make install
Install the Vapor toolbox, and build the project with vapor build
The server is run by running vapor run serve
To get started, you first need to register an application with Facebook. After registering your app, go into your app dashboard's settings page. Add the Facebook Login product, and save the changes.
In the Valid OAuth redirect URIs box, type in your application's URL, postpended with /login/facebook/consumer
. (eg, http://localhost:8080/login/facebook/consumer)
The code reads your Facebook client ID and secret from environment variables, and that mechanism is used on the server as well. Just set the following environment variables prior to running the code:
export FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID="<your facebook app id>"
export FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET="<your facebook app secret>"
This is also possible in Xcode under Edit Scheme > Arguments > Environment Variables
Setting the environment variables on macOS might not work under all circumstances. Creating a secrets file will.
Create the file Config/secrets/app.json
(this directory is under .gitignore
and should never be committed to the repository), with the following content:
"facebookClientID": "<your facebook app id>",
"facebookClientSecret": "<your facebook app secret>"
Now run the application. Facebook login should work!