A simple NSUserDefaults wrapper which optionally syncs to iCloud.
You can either use CCLDefaults directly, or subclass it to provide methods for your application to use.
@implementation CCLExampleDefaults : CCLDefaults
- (NSDictionary *)defaultsDictionary {
return @{
@"name": @"Kyle Fuller",
@"featureXEnabled": @NO,
- (void)setName:(NSString *)name {
[self setObject:name forKey:@"name"];
- (NSString *)name {
return [self objectForKey:@"name"];
- (BOOL)hasFeatureXEnabled {
return [[self objectForKey:@"featureXEnabled"] boolValue];
- (void)setFeatureXEnabled:(BOOL)featureXEnabled {
[self setObject:@(featureXEnabled) forKey:@"featureXEnabled"];
Now you can get hold of an instance and use the created getter and setter:
CCLExampleDefaults *defaults = [[CCLExampleDefaults alloc] init];
[defaults setName:@"Kyle"];
If you want to have initial values for your keys, then you can either create a
plist called CCLDefaults.plist
or override defaultsDictionary
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
- (NSDictionary *)defaultsDictionary {
return @{
@"name": @"Kyle Fuller",
@"featureXEnabled": @NO,
CCLDefaults already implements KVO so you can simply observe for notifications when a value changes.
When your application is upgraded by the user, CCLDefaults provides a callback so you can do any maintenance on the user defaults that you need.
The versions are simply your version number (CFBundleVersion).
- (void)upgradeFromVersion:(NSUInteger)existingVersion toVersion:(NSUInteger)newVersion {
// In version 32, we renamed a key
if (existingVersion < 32 && newVersion >= 32) {
id renamedObject = [self objectForKey:@"renamedKey"];
if (renamedObject) {
[self setObject:renamedObject forKey:@"newKey"];
CocoaPods is the recommended way to add CCLDefaults to your project.
Here's an example podfile that installs CCLDefaults.
platform :ios, '5.0'
pod 'CCLDefaults'
CCLDefaults is released under the BSD license. See LICENSE.