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indexed now has decent failure checking; Add tests for indexed
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coconutpalm committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent 7118787 commit 1a9a3c3
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 20 deletions.
119 changes: 99 additions & 20 deletions src/righttypes/types.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -575,36 +575,115 @@ this default is that optional map keys with typos won't be automatically detecte
"Returns a transducer suitable for transforming a seq of maps into a map of {:key {:id :key}} using `into`.
(into {} (index-by :key) [{:key :id, ...} ...]"
(map (fn [x] [(get x field) x])))
(let [undef-sequence (atom 0)]
(map (fn [x]
(let [val (get x k ::UNDEFINED)]
(if (= val ::UNDEFINED)
(swap! undef-sequence inc) ;; FIXME!!!
[(keyword (str "undef-key-" @undef-sequence))])
[val x]))))))

(defn- index-ctor
"Given a map-ctor and an expected key to be used for indexing a collection of maps, return
a new type constructor that checks that the expected key is present and sets the TypeCtorError path
field appropriately if the map constructor fails."
[index-key map-ctor]
(fn [x]
(let [index-val (get x index-key ::UNDEFINED)]
(if (= index-val ::UNDEFINED)
(TypeCtorError. x [] (str "[" index-key "]: Key not found in map.") '())
(let [result (map-ctor x)]
(if (ctor-failure? result)
(TypeCtorError. x [] (:msg result) (conj (seq (:path result)) index-val))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-value]}
"Happy path"
(let [x {:key :charlie-brown :first-name "Charlie" :last-name "Brown"}
Person (T {:key keyword? :first-name string? :last-name string?})
IdxPerson (index-ctor :key Person)]

(defn indexed
"A type constructor to build a map of maps, where a field in each value-map is also the `index-key`.
(IdxPerson x) := x))

{:index-value {:key :index-value}}
(defn indexed'
"Returns a type constructor to build a map of maps from a sequence of maps, where a field in
each value-map is also the `index-key`.
EXPERIMENTAL: TODO: Validate result and return TypeCtorError as needed"
[map-ctor index-key]
[ {:index-value {:key :index-value}}, ... ]"
[map-ctor source-lineinfo index-key]
(fn [& maps]
(let [result (cond
(nil? maps) {}
:else (into {} (index-by index-key) (map map-ctor maps)))]
(nil? maps) {}
:else (let [indexed-ctor (index-ctor index-key map-ctor)
checked-maps (map indexed-ctor maps)
maybe-add-error (fn [prior v]
(if (ctor-failure? v)
(conj prior v)
errors (reduce maybe-add-error [] checked-maps)]
(if (empty? errors)
(into {} (index-by index-key) checked-maps)
(TypeCtorError. maps errors source-lineinfo nil)))))))

(defmacro indexed
[map-ctor index-key]
(let [line-col (seq (meta &form))
pretty (fn [x] (if (instance? clojure.lang.Named x) (name x) (pr-str x)))
ctor-src (pretty map-ctor)
sourceinfo (str (.getName *ns*) line-col ": Failure creating (indexed " ctor-src " " index-key ")")]
`(indexed' ~map-ctor ~sourceinfo ~index-key)))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-value :unused-binding]}
"Happy path"
(def Person (T {:key keyword? :first-name string? :last-name string?}))
(def PersonDB (indexed Person :key))

(let [testee (PersonDB {:key :franken :first-name "Franken" :last-name "Stein"}
{:key :charlie :first-name "Charlie" :last-name "Brown"})]
(-> testee :franken :last-name) := "Stein")
(def Person (T {:key keyword? :first-name string? :last-name string?}))

;; Uncomment this to get better compiler diagnostics when working on the macro implementation.
#_(def PersonDB (indexed' Person "Failure creating Person" :key))
(def PersonDB (indexed Person :key)))

"Happy path"
(let [testee (PersonDB {:key :franken :first-name "Franken" :last-name "Stein"}
{:key :charlie :first-name "Charlie" :last-name "Brown"})]
(-> testee :franken :last-name) := "Stein"
(-> testee :charlie :last-name) := "Brown"))

"Sadness: Specified key field not found (or misspelled)"
(let [failure (PersonDB {:keeeey :franken :first-name "Franken" :last-name "Stein"})]
(-> failure :errors count) := 1
(-> failure :errors first :path) := '()
(-> failure :errors first :msg) := "[:key]: Key not found in map."

"Sadness: Missing key in map"
(let [failure (PersonDB {:key :franken :first-name "Franken" :last---name "Stein"})]
(-> failure :errors count) := 1
(-> failure :errors first :path) := '(:franken)
(-> failure :errors first :msg) := "Missing k/v(s): :last-name string?"

"Sadness: A field value fails type checking"
(let [failure (PersonDB {:key :franken :first-name "Franken" :last-name :stein})]
(-> failure :errors count) := 1
(-> failure :errors first :path) := '(:franken :last-name)
(-> failure :errors first :msg) := ":last-name:(:last-name string? :stein)"

"Sadness (TODO: Because for now we're happy all the time)")

(tests "ns loaded"
(println "\n" *ns* "loaded."))

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