This project is a web application developed to validate Identification Numbers. It is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Setup
- Usage
- Media Queries (Responsive Design)
- Project Structure
- Screenshot
- Contribution
- License
- TR ID Validation: Validates the user-input 11-digit Turkish ID.
- Validation Rules:
- Input must contain only numeric values.
- Must be exactly 11 digits long.
- The first digit cannot be
. - The 10th and 11th digits must comply with specific mathematical formulas.
- Error and Success Messages: Displays appropriate messages for valid or invalid inputs.
- Reset Button: Clears the form and validation messages.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for various screen sizes.
- HTML: Defines the structure of the application.
- CSS: Provides styling and responsive design with media queries.
- JavaScript: Handles validation logic and user interactions dynamically.
- Enter TR ID: Type an 11-digit Turkish ID number into the input field.
- Validate: Click the "Validate" button to validate the input.
- View Results: If the input is valid, a success message will be displayed; otherwise, an error message will appear.
- Reset: Use the "Reset" button to clear the input field and messages.
The application adapts to various screen sizes:
- <162px: Reduces text and button sizes for smaller screens.
- Larger screens: Uses the default layout and styles.
tr-id-validator/ ├── index.html ├── style.css ├── script.js └──