Releases: codalab/codabench
Manual Intervention needed if upgrading
You will need to run a migration if upgrading, more details here.
New Features
- Platform yearly statistics
- Delete User Updates
- Forum Updates - restrictions added for non-participants
- Submission soft-delete functionality added
Full Changelog: 1.16.0...1.17.0
Manual Intervention needed if upgrading
You will need to run a migration if upgrading, more details here.
New Features
- Update version.json for release 1.15.0
- Feature/remove user/soft removal (#1691)
- Updated the filters to show the new "Is Deleted"
- .gitingore update to ignore the home page counters file. Also removed the file from cache so that it's not tracked anymore
Full Changelog: 1.15.0...1.16.0
Manual Intervention needed if upgrading
You will need to recreate the docker containers if updating to this version from a previous version.
docker compose build && docker compose up -d
To avoid waiting a day for the homepage counters to update, you can also run the commands shown here
New Features
- Upload task from resource interface
- Update podman containers
- Optimization
- Home page counters - Caddy image update
- Added search bar in Django Admin Users page for emails and username
- Some more interesting fields for the Users page on the Django Admin Interface
- Search field + more information displayed on the Competition page of the django admin interface
Bug Fixes
Full Changelog: 1.14.0...1.15.0
Manual intervention needed if upgrading
You will need Django/Postgres to compute the numbers of participants and submissions on all competitions by running a couple of commands found here.
This is part of the optimization effort to make the website smoother for everyone without losing functionality.
New Features
- Update to create a robot submission
- Update documentation to create a robot submission
- Some package upgrades
- Updated version workflow for auto releases
- Optimization
- Submissions and Participants Count - Optimization
PR#2 Update
Submissions count - Optimization
- Featured competitions
Full Changelog: 1.13.0...1.14.0
New Features
- Added logs that outputs to stderr to the Postgres service
- Phase start time and end time added
- Show submission time in local time zone
Bug fixes
- Ignore datapoint with deleted competitions or deleted users
- Removed num_entries becasue the count was slowing down the platform
Full Changelog: 1.12.3...1.13.0
Bug Fixes
- Optimize Home page: Featured and popular comps and counters made static
- As with the previous fix, this will also be reverted at a later date, after we optimize the code.
Bug fixes
- Fix db inconsistency logs path finding
- Fix db inconsistency logs path finding
- URGENT - removed count from competition query to fix the codabench
- This is a hotfix for the slow page loading that was happening. We will be changing the code in the future to add this feature back.
Manual intervention needed if upgrading
With this release, you will need to move some files. More information in this wiki page.
New Features
Autorun collectstatic when django container starts
Whiltelist emails leaking fixed
Updates to server_status and monitor_queues
Updated docker-compose
to docker compose
Delete orphan files and improvements to orphan files deletion
Server Status: submissions limit removed
Release version loads dynamically from the version.json
Display release version in Codabench footer
Created workflow for new releases
Various packages updates
Organizers can now delete forum posts
Bug Fixes
Task Update - Dataset/Program removal fixed
Email template fixes
Changed submission name to add ID when downloading many submissions
Python version fix for Poetry
Fix string concat in case of no email in analytics API
Use competition queue in submission queue on rerun
Resource interface => Task table interface updates
Fix computation column change in the leaderboard
Submission file name being too long won't freeze the page anymore
Interface updated to show a clearer Current phase ends:
New Features
- Add question mark on auto migrate
- Show
for starting kit and public data - Precision column and leaderboard rule added to dump
- Show leaderboard and detailed result page to approved participants only
- Resources bundles dumps
- WIP Downloading submissions v1
Bug Fixes
- Remove Dockerfile.celery
- Programs and datasets bug fixed
- Leaderboard API 500 error resolved
- Double the soft time limit on the storage analytics snapshot task
- Public competitions: participants count added
- Competition console prints removed
- Change base image for Dockerfile.flower
- Updated
to fix shell_plus error - More general exception in
Full list of changes: v1.10.0...v1.11.0