An extendible remote code execution webserver.
- Use the config file
- Re-write in Rust
- Dockerize and use Kuberenetes for load balancing
- Find all the possible exploits
- Allow to ban keywords (say to forbid using certain imports)
- Make sure that containers are completely disconnected from the internet.
docker build -t code-playground .
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 4242:4242 --name code-playground code-playground
docker stop code-playground
docker rm code-playground
A clients incoming request looks as follows:
"langauge": "c",
"flags": "-Wextra -Werror -Wall",
"code": "<Some code>"
A servers outgoing response should look as follows:
"result": "Request received!",
"error": null
"result": null,
"error": "This code is god awful!"