Welcome to the the main Github page of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at the University of Bremen. Here you can find many of our software projects and ROS drivers.
Some other projects are organized in other Github or Gitlab pages. Here is a list of all other Github pages that are connected the IAI:
Github/cram2: CRAM and PyCRAM
Github/semroco: Giskard and giskard_msgs
Gitlab/robokudo: Robokudo
Github/knowrob: KnowRob and rosprolog
Github/Multiverse-Framework: Multiverse Framework
Github/intel4coro: Interactive Learning Environment 4 Cognitive Robotics
Github/pr2-config-iai: Fixes and additional drivers for the PR2 robot on ROS Noetic
Github/hardware-designs-iai: Devices, PCB and CAD Models developed at the IAI
Here you can find a short overview of our main software projects:
Project | Description | Link | More Information on |
CRAM | Toolbox for designing, implementing and deploying software on autonomous robots | cram-system.org | |
PyCRAM | Reimplemetation of CRAM in Python | pycram.readthedocs.io | |
Giskard | Constraint- and optimization-based robot motion controller | ||
Robokudo | Robot perception framework | robokudo.ai.uni-bremen.de | |
KnowRob | Knowledge Base System for Cognition-enabled Robots | knowrob.org | |
Multiverse | Decentralized Simulation Framework integrating physics engines and photo-realistic graphics engines to simulate everything | multiverseframework.readthedocs.io | |
Probabilistic Tools | Probabilistic Models in Python | probabilistic-model.readthedocs.io | |
Random Events | Clean Random Events for Probabilistic Reasoning in Python | random-events.readthedocs.io |