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DIma Kruk edited this page Dec 20, 2012 · 2 revisions

OverloadedOperators is language extension that adds operators overloading behavior to ActionScript3 code.


Using of operators overloading has two major advantages:

  1. Compact style and readability; for example, it’s much easier to use something like a*b*c than a.multiply(b).multiply(с).
  2. More natural look of the code. Well defined operator is easier to understand and remember than a function name. For example, combining two variables of type Point will look like point1 + point2, instead of


operator operatorAlias ( leftPartType, rightPartType ) -> operatorType
commutative : Boolean
( left, right ) -> returnType {
  return result

Overloaded operator declaration expression should be placed to OverloadedOperatorsContainer, that appears instantly in the package right-click menu just after the import of the language extension.

// overloading  "+" operator for the Point type
operator + (Point, Point) -> Point 
commutative: false
(left, right)->Point {
  // this code will be executed on combining Point with Point
  return new Point(left.x + right.x, left.y + right.y); 
overloaded operators declarationName {

  // place for overloaded binary operators
  // place for custom operators expression

Overloaded operators declaration block is intended to store overloaded operators declaration expressions. It can contain custom operators declarations, as well as overloaded binary operators declaration (like “+”, “-” or “*”). Should be placed to OverlodedOperatorsContainer.

overloaded operators myOperators { 

  <<overloaded binary operators>> 
  <<custom operators declaration>> 

custom operator operatorAlias

Custom operator expression add a visual presentation to the newly created custom operator. After the custom operator statement is filled out, the new operator appears in autocomplete. For the rest, the syntax of a custom operators declaration doesn’t significally differs from the overloaded operators declaration.

// this sample demonstrates how to create the custom operator
// that will check a string for matching a regular expression

overloaded operators MyOperators { 

// overloaded operators ------------------------- / 

operator ~= (String, RegExp) -> Boolean 
commutative: true 
(left, right)->Boolean { 
  return right.test(left); 

// custom operators ----------------------------- / 

custom operator ~= 

// ...some code skipped...

public function Main()
  if ("Any text" ~= /^Any.+$/) { 
	// if true, output this message 
    trace "text start with 'Any'"; 
  • commutative : Boolean

Commutativity rule switch, that determines the overloaded operator behavior. Default state is false. Change this behavior with care. Overusing this feature may involve unexpected effects.

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