This is a project with the purpose of facilitate the analysis of iterative algorithms for a user.
⚠️ This project was created in the year 2016-2 with educational/study purposes only.
This project has the following features:
- It has his own language syntax, similar to psudocode and pascal (It's build using python and ply library).
- It allows the user to create and execute code in the language's own code editor.
- It allows the user to execute the code step by step (Like a debbuger).
- It allows the user to see the generated execution tree and see what happens in each node.
- It allows the user to create breakpoints and see what happens at this point in the execution.
To build this project we use:
- PLY (Python Lex-Yacc)
- PyQt5
- Qscintilla
- Matplotlib
ℹ️ This project was testes on Linux (Manjaro, Fedora, Ubuntu y OpenSuse specifically), but it has an acceptable performance in Windows 10.
Code editor and breakpoints.
Node info in code execution tree.
Execution times graphic.
# Creating environment
virtualenv .
# Installing dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Running app
docker build -t project/pyqt5 .
Nota: This command only works on Unix operating systems or those that use X11.
Execute in the host OS
xhost local:root
Execute the docker image
docker run -it \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $(pwd):/app \
project/pyqt5 python /app/