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Affiliates Program

Affiliates app allows your store to work with a partner structure. The app creates affiliates stores, that has an access page and url parameter for them to share with their clients. When something is bought, it generates a commission related to their clients purchase. The app also adds configuration and management pages for the store owner and affiliates as well.

Affiliate page
Example of an affiliate page
This is the main page that will be shared by the affiliate with their clients. It's a page that can be customized to show some products and guide the customer.


  1. Your affiliates can send any URL with the parameter targeting with their slug as value, it will adds this affiliate information to be linked to the purchase
Example URL Behavior Just a simple product URL URL with the parameter, will link this client to the affiliate
  1. If you want to change the parameter that will be used for the affiliate to share, you can edit the parameter property from the Affiliate Monitoring block inside the Site Editor.

Parameter Editing

ℹ️ _After the affiliate send their URL for the client, their Affiliate ID will be linked to this client for some time and will be prioritized even if another Affiliate send an URL to the same client, the time the Affiliate ID usually persists is 60 days

Advanced configurations

According to the Affiliate app composition, the /affiliates/:slug page can be highly customizable using other blocks. Currently, its default implementation is as follows:

store.affiliates interface for the route /affiliates/:slug


  "store.affiliates": {
    "blocks": ["affiliate-validator"]

  "affiliate-validator": {
    "props": {
      "Valid": "affiliate-template",
      "Invalid": "affiliate-invalid-template"

  "affiliate-template": {
    "children": [

  "flex-layout.row#banner": {
    "children": ["image#affiliate-banner"]

  "image#affiliate-banner": {
    "props": {
      "src": ""

  "search-result-layout.customQuery#affiliate": {
    "props": {
      "querySchema": {
        "skusFilter": "ALL_AVAILABLE",
        "simulationBehavior": "default",
        "queryField": "137",
        "mapField": "productClusterIds",
        "facetsBehavior": "Dynamic"
    "blocks": [

  "affiliate-invalid-template": {
    "children": ["rich-text#invalid-affiliate"]

  "rich-text#invalid-affiliate": {
    "props": {
      "textAlignment": "CENTER",
      "textPosition": "CENTER",
      "text": "**Affiliate does not exist or has not been approved**",
      "font": "t-heading-1"


In order to apply CSS customizations to this and other blocks, follow the instructions given in the recipe on Using CSS Handles for store customization.

CSS Handles

Contributors ✨

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published
