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sandwich-contexts-kubernetes: add getLoadedImages and improve kind bi…
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thomasjm committed Jul 28, 2024
1 parent f36a473 commit 70893ea
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Showing 7 changed files with 123 additions and 31 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions demos/demo-kubernetes-kind/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Relude
import Test.Sandwich
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.FakeSmtpServer
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Files
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Images
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.KindCluster
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinioOperator
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinioS3Server
Expand All @@ -32,6 +33,10 @@ spec = describe "Introducing a Kubernetes cluster" $ do
kcc <- getContext kubernetesCluster
info [i|Got Kubernetes cluster context: #{kcc}|]

it "prints the loaded images" $ do
images <- getLoadedImages
forM_ images $ \image -> info [i|Image: #{image}|]

introduceBinaryViaNixPackage @"kubectl" "kubectl" $
introduceBinaryViaNixDerivation @"kubectl-minio" kubectlMinioDerivation $
introduceMinioOperator $ do
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions demos/demo-kubernetes-minikube/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import System.Exit
import Test.Sandwich
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.FakeSmtpServer
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Files
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Images
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinikubeCluster
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinioOperator
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinioS3Server
Expand All @@ -36,6 +37,10 @@ spec = describe "Introducing a Kubernetes cluster" $ do
kcc <- getContext kubernetesCluster
info [i|Got Kubernetes cluster context: #{kcc}|]

it "prints the loaded images" $ do
images <- getLoadedImages
forM_ images $ \image -> info [i|Image: #{image}|]

introduceBinaryViaNixPackage @"kubectl" "kubectl" $
introduceBinaryViaNixDerivation @"kubectl-minio" kubectlMinioDerivation $
introduceMinioOperator $ do
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Images (

, loadImage
, loadImage'

, introduceImages
Expand All @@ -21,6 +23,31 @@ import qualified Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinikubeCluster.Images as Min
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Types

-- | Get the images loaded onto the cluster.
getLoadedImages :: (
MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m, HasBaseContextMonad context m, HasKubernetesClusterContext context
-- | List of image names
=> m (Set Text)
getLoadedImages = getContext kubernetesCluster >>= getLoadedImages'

-- | Same as 'getLoadedImages', but allows you to pass in the 'KubernetesClusterContext', rather than requiring one in context.
getLoadedImages' :: (
MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m, HasBaseContextMonad context m
-- | Cluster context
=> KubernetesClusterContext
-- | List of image names
-> m (Set Text)
getLoadedImages' kcc@(KubernetesClusterContext {kubernetesClusterType, kubernetesClusterName}) = do
timeAction [i|Getting loaded images|] $ do
case kubernetesClusterType of
(KubernetesClusterKind {..}) ->
Kind.getLoadedImages kcc kindClusterDriver kindBinary Nothing
-- Kind.loadImage kindBinary kindClusterName image env
(KubernetesClusterMinikube {..}) ->
Minikube.getLoadedImages minikubeBinary kubernetesClusterName minikubeFlags

-- | Load an image into a Kubernetes cluster. The image you pass may be an absolute path to a .tar or .tar.gz
-- image archive, *or* the name of an image in your local Docker daemon. It will load the image onto the cluster,
-- and return the modified image name (i.e. the name by which the cluster knows the image).
Expand All @@ -47,7 +74,7 @@ loadImage' :: (
-> Text
-- | Environment variables (currently used only for Kind clusters)
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-- | Callback with transformed image names (see above)
-- | The transformed image name
-> m Text
loadImage' (KubernetesClusterContext {kubernetesClusterType, kubernetesClusterName}) image env = do
debug [i|Loading container image '#{image}'|]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ defaultKindClusterOptions = KindClusterOptions {
-- * Introduce

-- | Alias to make type signatures shorter
type KindContext context = LabelValue "kubernetesCluster" KubernetesClusterContext :> LabelValue "file-kind" (EnvironmentFile "kind") :> context
type KindContext context = LabelValue "kubernetesCluster" KubernetesClusterContext :> LabelValue "file-kubectl" (EnvironmentFile "kubectl") :> LabelValue "file-kind" (EnvironmentFile "kind") :> context

-- | Introduce a Kubernetes cluster using [kind](, deriving the kind binary from the Nix context.
-- | Introduce a Kubernetes cluster using [kind](, deriving the kind and kubectl binaries from the Nix context.
introduceKindClusterViaNix :: (
HasBaseContext context, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadMask m, HasNixContext context
Expand All @@ -117,9 +117,10 @@ introduceKindClusterViaNix :: (
-> SpecFree context m ()
introduceKindClusterViaNix kindClusterOptions spec =
introduceBinaryViaNixPackage @"kind" "kind" $
introduceWith "introduce kind cluster" kubernetesCluster (void . withKindCluster kindClusterOptions) spec
introduceBinaryViaNixPackage @"kubectl" "kubectl" $
introduceWith "introduce kind cluster" kubernetesCluster (void . withKindCluster kindClusterOptions) spec

-- | Introduce a Kubernetes cluster using [kind](, deriving the kind binary from the PATH.
-- | Introduce a Kubernetes cluster using [kind](, deriving the kind and kubectl binaries from the PATH.
introduceKindClusterViaEnvironment :: (
HasBaseContext context, MonadMask m, MonadUnliftIO m
Expand All @@ -129,19 +130,23 @@ introduceKindClusterViaEnvironment :: (
-> SpecFree context m ()
introduceKindClusterViaEnvironment kindClusterOptions spec =
introduceBinaryViaEnvironment @"kind" $
introduceBinaryViaEnvironment @"kubectl" $
introduceWith "introduce kind cluster" kubernetesCluster (void . withKindCluster kindClusterOptions) spec

-- | Introduce a Kubernetes cluster using [kind](, passing in the kind binary.
-- | Introduce a Kubernetes cluster using [kind](, passing in the kind and kubectl binaries.
introduceKindCluster' :: (
HasBaseContext context, MonadMask m, MonadUnliftIO m
-- | Path to kind binary
=> FilePath
-- | Path to kubectl binary
-> FilePath
-> KindClusterOptions
-> SpecFree (KindContext context) m ()
-> SpecFree context m ()
introduceKindCluster' kindBinary kindClusterOptions spec =
introduceKindCluster' kindBinary kubectlBinary kindClusterOptions spec =
introduceFile @"kind" kindBinary $
introduceFile @"kubectl" kubectlBinary $
introduceWith "introduce kind cluster" kubernetesCluster (void . withKindCluster kindClusterOptions) $

Expand All @@ -150,27 +155,30 @@ introduceKindCluster' kindBinary kindClusterOptions spec =
-- | Bracket-style variant of 'introduceKindCluster'.
withKindCluster :: (
MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadMask m, MonadFail m
, HasBaseContextMonad context m, HasFile context "kind"
, HasBaseContextMonad context m, HasFile context "kind", HasFile context "kubectl"
-- | Options
=> KindClusterOptions
-> (KubernetesClusterContext -> m a)
-> m a
withKindCluster opts action = do
kindBinary <- askFile @"kind"
withKindCluster' kindBinary opts action
kubectlBinary <- askFile @"kubectl"
withKindCluster' kindBinary kubectlBinary opts action

-- | Same as 'withKindCluster', but allows you to pass in the path to the kind binary.
-- | Same as 'withKindCluster', but allows you to pass in the paths to the kind and kubectl binaries.
withKindCluster' :: (
MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadMask m, MonadFail m
, HasBaseContextMonad context m
-- | Path to the kind binary
=> FilePath
-- | Path to the kubectl binary
-> FilePath
-> KindClusterOptions
-> (KubernetesClusterContext -> m a)
-> m a
withKindCluster' kindBinary opts@(KindClusterOptions {..}) action = do
withKindCluster' kindBinary kubectlBinary opts@(KindClusterOptions {..}) action = do
clusterName <- case kindClusterName of
KindClusterNameExactly t -> pure t
KindClusterNameAutogenerate maybePrefix -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,7 +213,7 @@ withKindCluster' kindBinary opts@(KindClusterOptions {..}) action = do
void $ waitForProcess ps
(\kcc -> bracket_ (setUpKindCluster kcc environmentToUse driver)
(\kcc -> bracket_ (setUpKindCluster kcc kindBinary kubectlBinary environmentToUse driver)
(return ())
(action kcc)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,16 +3,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.KindCluster.Images where
module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.KindCluster.Images (
, loadImage
) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Relude
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Test.Sandwich
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.KindCluster.Setup
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Types
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Util.Aeson
import Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.Util.Container
import UnliftIO.Process
import UnliftIO.Temporary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,3 +60,27 @@ loadImage kindBinary clusterName image env = do
env = env
}) >>= waitForProcess >>= (`shouldBe` ExitSuccess)
return $ tweak image

getLoadedImages :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m) => KubernetesClusterContext -> Text -> FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> m (Set Text)
getLoadedImages kcc driver kindBinary env = do
chosenNode <- getNodes kcc kindBinary env >>= \case
(x:_) -> pure x
[] -> expectationFailure [i|Couldn't identify a Kind node.|]

output <- readCreateProcessWithLogging (
(proc (toString driver) [
, toString chosenNode
, "crictl", "images", "-o", "json"
]) { env = env }
) ""

case A.eitherDecode (encodeUtf8 output) of
Left err -> expectationFailure [i|Couldn't decode JSON (#{err}): #{output}|]
Right (A.Object (aesonLookup "images" -> Just (A.Array images))) -> return $ Set.fromList $ concatMap extractRepoTags images
_ -> expectationFailure [i|Unexpected format in JSON: #{output}|]

extractRepoTags :: A.Value -> [Text]
extractRepoTags (A.Object (aesonLookup "repoTags" -> Just (A.Array xs))) = [t | A.String t <- V.toList xs]
extractRepoTags _ = []
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.KindCluster.Setup where
module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.KindCluster.Setup (
, getNodes
) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch ( MonadMask)
Expand All @@ -24,21 +27,21 @@ import UnliftIO.Process

setUpKindCluster :: (
MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadMask m
) => KubernetesClusterContext -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> Text -> m ()
setUpKindCluster kcc@(KubernetesClusterContext {..}) environmentToUse driver = do
) => KubernetesClusterContext -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> Text -> m ()
setUpKindCluster kcc@(KubernetesClusterContext {..}) kindBinary kubectlBinary environmentToUse driver = do
baseEnv <- maybe getEnvironment return environmentToUse
let env = L.nubBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) (("KUBECONFIG", kubernetesClusterKubeConfigPath) : baseEnv)
let runWithKubeConfig cmd = createProcessWithLogging ((shell cmd) { env = Just env, delegate_ctlc = True })

info [i|Installing ingress-nginx|]
runWithKubeConfig [i|kubectl apply -f|]
runWithKubeConfig [i|#{kubectlBinary} apply -f|]
>>= waitForProcess >>= (`shouldBe` ExitSuccess)
-- void $ runWithKubeConfig [i|kubectl patch deployments -n ingress-nginx nginx-ingress-controller -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"nginx-ingress-controller","ports":[{"containerPort":80,"hostPort":0},{"containerPort":443,"hostPort":0}]}],"nodeSelector":{"ingress-ready":"true"},"tolerations":[{"key":"","operator":"Equal","effect":"NoSchedule"}]}}}}'|]
info [i|Waiting for ingress-nginx|]
flip runReaderT (LabelValue @"kubernetesCluster" kcc) $
waitForPodsToExist "ingress-nginx" (M.singleton "" "controller") 120.0 Nothing
info [i|controller pod existed|]
runWithKubeConfig [iii|kubectl wait pod
runWithKubeConfig [iii|#{kubectlBinary} wait pod
--namespace ingress-nginx
Expand All @@ -50,14 +53,21 @@ setUpKindCluster kcc@(KubernetesClusterContext {..}) environmentToUse driver = d
-- void $ runWithKubeConfig [i|helm install metrics-server-release bitnami/metrics-server|]

info [i|Installing metrics server|]
runWithKubeConfig [i|kubectl apply -f|]
runWithKubeConfig [i|#{kubectlBinary} apply -f|]
>>= waitForProcess >>= (`shouldBe` ExitSuccess)
runWithKubeConfig [i|kubectl patch -n kube-system deployment metrics-server --type=json -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-","value":"--kubelet-insecure-tls"}]'|]
runWithKubeConfig [i|#{kubectlBinary} patch -n kube-system deployment metrics-server --type=json -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-","value":"--kubelet-insecure-tls"}]'|]
>>= waitForProcess >>= (`shouldBe` ExitSuccess)

when (driver == "docker") $ do
info [i|Fixing perms on /dev/fuse|] -- Needed on NixOS where it gets mounted 0600, don't know why
nodes <- ((words . toText) <$> (readCreateProcess ((shell [i|kind get nodes --name "#{kubernetesClusterName}"|]) { env = Just env }) ""))
nodes <- getNodes kcc kindBinary environmentToUse
forM_ nodes $ \node -> do
info [i| (#{node}) Fixing /dev/fuse|]
void $ readCreateProcess (shell [i|#{driver} exec "#{node}" chmod 0666 /dev/fuse|]) ""

getNodes :: MonadUnliftIO m => KubernetesClusterContext -> FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> m [Text]
getNodes (KubernetesClusterContext {..}) kindBinary environmentToUse = do
baseEnv <- maybe getEnvironment return environmentToUse
let env = L.nubBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) (("KUBECONFIG", kubernetesClusterKubeConfigPath) : baseEnv)
((words . toText) <$> (readCreateProcess ((shell [i|#{kindBinary} get nodes --name "#{kubernetesClusterName}"|]) { env = Just env }) ""))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinikubeCluster.Images where
module Test.Sandwich.Contexts.Kubernetes.MinikubeCluster.Images (
, getLoadedImages
) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Logger
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text as T
import Relude
Expand All @@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ loadImage minikubeBinary clusterName minikubeFlags image = do
True -> ["--rootless"]
False -> []

image' <- case isAbsolute (toString image) of
case isAbsolute (toString image) of
True -> do
initialStream :: Text <- doesDirectoryExist (toString image) >>= \case
True ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,9 +67,10 @@ loadImage minikubeBinary clusterName minikubeFlags image = do
createProcessWithLogging (shell cmd) >>= waitForProcess >>= (`shouldBe` ExitSuccess)
return $ tweak image

-- TODO: remove this?
let cmd = [iii|#{minikubeBinary} image ls --profile #{clusterName}|]
imageList <- readCreateProcessWithLogging (shell cmd) ""
info [i|Loaded image list: #{imageList}|]

return image'
getLoadedImages :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m) => FilePath -> Text -> [Text] -> m (Set Text)
getLoadedImages minikubeBinary clusterName minikubeFlags = do
-- TODO: use "--format json" and parse?
(Set.fromList . T.words . toText) <$> readCreateProcessWithLogging (
proc minikubeBinary (["image", "ls"
, "--profile", toString clusterName
] <> fmap toString minikubeFlags)) ""

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