- Installation
- Basic configuration
- Advanced configuration
- Backend interface
- Frontend modules
- Notifications
- Insert tags
- Developers
After enabling the subscriptions in the calendar settings each event gains a new button. It leads to the view of subscription list of that event.
The subscription list view allows you to create, manage and delete the records. At the top of the view there is also displayed an information about the total number of subscription to this event as well as the note about limit, if any.
From version 2.11 it is possible to create multiple member subscriptions just by selecting the member groups. Only the members with active accounts will be subscribed to an event!
The subscriptions of each event or calendar can be exported to the CSV or Excel file. Fore more information on how to alter the exported data please check the Developers section.
To export data in Excel format you have to install the phpoffice/phpspreadsheet package.
As of version 2.15, you can send the notifications manually per every event: