Vacant Homes Mobile UI. Designed using React, Typescript, SASS, & Ant Design.
- We highly reccomend you use Visual Studio Code as your code editor. Configurations are built into this repository to make development easier, and more standardized.
- Clone the repository and run the following commands
yarn && yarn start
npm install
npm run start
Run the following command
yarn test
npm run test
- React: Chosen as Javascript Framework due to large community and current experience by developers working on project.
- Typescript: Superset of Javascript chosen to provide type safety, while allowing developers to continue using the same langauge syntax.
- Fast Click: Added for mobile browsers to increase responsiveness of application for mobile users.
- Ant Mobile: Chosen as lighweight, clean and customizable package of components to accelerate design and development process, wired in to be modular as to prevent unwanted bloating of final package size.
- SASS: Used as an extension of css to increase readability of css and reduce unwanted side effects.