Web app for families to locate free summer meal programs near them.
During the school year, 62% of Oklahoma kids rely on free-and-reduced meals to receive proper nutrition; many of these students do not have access to adequate nutrition outside of school. In Tulsa, a staggering 84% of students rely on free-and-reduced meals. Individual families, as well as nonprofits could greatly benefit from knowing when and where summer meals programs are available.
Summer Café provides nutritional breakfasts and lunches to children, 18 years of age and younger, free of charge. More than 70 sites will be serving breakfast and/or lunch throughout the Tulsa Public Schools district. Summer Café begins June 1 and runs through August 4. Meals are provided to all children 18 and under. No application or ID necessary.
This website will use Mapbox, as well as data provided by Hunger Free Oklahoma, to provide an interactive map that will help locate summer meals programs, and get more information on when locations are open, and what is provided. Here's a look at what a test set of data (10 locations) looks like on Mapbox.
- Hunger Free Oklahoma CSV file.
- Tulsa World list of Tulsa Summer Café sites
- Tulsa World list of Broken Arrow Summer Café sites