To get Helm chart for this release run:
helm pull oci:// --version 0.15.1
Chart changes
- updated argo-events to 2.4.7-1-cap-CR-26731 - fix security vulnerability
- updated argo-cd to 7.4.7-10-cap-2.12.3-2024.12.23-4a8e092c0 - fix securitty vulnerabilities
- updated app-proxy to 1.3196.4
App-proxy changes
Introduced changes:
- chore: upgrade HELM_VERSION to 3.16.2 and KUBESEAL_VERSION to 0.27.3 to fix critical vul
- feat: app proxy init without argo-cd
- chore: switch to @nestjs/axios
- fix: throw original exception in case of NO_CHANGES (#366)