Schemas for the HCC x-rh-identity
There are multiple x-rh-identity
header shapes based on the type of authentication
being used. This project is meant to be a source of truth for what the myriad
identities look like, for testing, enforcement and building clients.
To run schema validation against the various types of identities, we have fixtures for each. These fixtures are static, but should be recreated whenever a change to the identity header is proposed or made.
Schemas can also be used to construct valid objects/structs for consuming the x-rh-identity
To run schema validation, simply run:
$ go run main.go
You will see output similar to:
*** Running schema validation against sample 3scale identities ***
Validating basic.json...
Error(s) found in validation:
- identity.internal.cross_access: Invalid type. Expected: number, given: boolean
*** Running schema validation against sample turnpike identities ***
Validating turnpike_saml.json...
Validating turnpike_x509.json...
You can use the schema to help validate and enforce valid identity objects to work with in your project. Here are a few examples, though you can use whatever you'd like:
$ go get -u
$ schema-generate ./turnpike/schema.json
$ pip install warlock
$ python3
>>> import warlock, json
>>> file = open("turnpike/schema.json")
>>> schema = json.loads(
>>> Identity = warlock.model_factory(schema)
>>> turnpike_identity = Identity(key="val")